Friday, January 23, 2009

Momma's just have that feeling!!!!

My baby girl has been sick for 2 weeks now! As of yesterday she has maybe been to school 2 days in the past 2 weeks, I have sent her to school but she always gets sent home. If you know my child you would know she LOVES school and don't like to miss what so ever so for her to go to the nurse and get sent home means she is sick. I took her to the Dr and they tested her for strep which she didn't have so he went ahead and gave her antibiotics because her ear was starting to look infected. OK no problem go back to school the next day..................wrong she got sent back home because she was so tired she couldn't stay awake in class. So Saturday comes and she don't even want to play in her basketball game and again if you know my child you would know she is a sports nut loves any of them. When she would get in the game she said she would feel all weak and like jello so she wanted out of the game. So Monday I had to take brann to Tulsa to see his workers comp Dr and she slept the whole way there and back didn't wake up to eat or pee. So I call the Dr and they got her in Tuesday and he said her ear looked worse instead of better and tested her for the flu which was neg and gave her a diff antibiotic. I kept her home one more day so Thursday she went back to school and got sent home again she is now getting dizzy. great what am I going to do to keep this child up to par with the rest of the class? I let her stay home Friday and figure if she stays home and rest then she'll be ready for the game Saturday.............wrong again she had used her inhaler 3 times in the first half of the game which she should only use 2 every 30 mins. Monday was a teacher work day so more rest for Kayla. Tuesday I send her back to school and guess what I get a phone call before lunch Kayla is so dizzy that she almost passed out on the nurse so back to the Dr we go. Remember she has tested neg for step and the flu. The Dr orders a bunch of test that requires blood drawn so we get that done and go home and wait for the call. We know the lab tech in our Dr office cause Kayla is friends with her daughter so before we left she told us Kayla had blood in her urine. Then later on that night she text me saying that the mono test they did came back neg. Brann my lovely husband is so impatient that he has called the Dr office 100 times just to find out about our baby girl. Finally thank goodness we know someone in the Dr office that she finally called and told us a few things like her liver enzymes were slightly elevated and there were a few abnormalities but nothing to be concerned about but still wait for the Dr to call. So finally the Dr called and said that everything was fine and the antibiotics should do the trick but if she don't show any signs of getting better by Monday bring her back for more tests. My baby girl is so darn tired she is in bed by 6pm which her bed time is 9pm. her face is pale, she has no appetite, getting dizzy and feeling faint,and feeling really weak who knows what it is but I pray that it goes away. I know that something is wrong with my baby but I can't help her. You can just look at her and tell something is wrong with her the dr even said that. I feel so bad for her.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hope Renae has arrived!!!!!!!

So most of you know about my brother in law that had a little boy pass away Next month it will be the 1 yr mark. So anyways Christmas time in 07 he got "fixed" and they were done having kids until there little boy passed. So he and his wife decided to have it reversed so back in may last year they went to the dr for a check up and the dr said he wasn't even close to the half way mark to begin trying to have a child so he said come back in 6 months and I bet then you can start trying to get pregnant well a couple weeks later they found out they were pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! YAY. So this past nine months have been an emotional roller coaster for them and as of Jan 21,09 they now have a precious baby girl they named Hope Renae Oden. They are still on that very emotional roller coaster so please keep them in your prayers. I will post pictures as soon as I can .

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just as I get comfortable

...............all heck breaks loose!!!! Photography going good, kids, hubby and life in general going great but I guess I got too comfortable. Now I have this person from high school saying I'm coping her and trying to be just like her with the photography and all these other things just because MY HUSBAND not me made me a web site at the same host site as she has. I haven't seen her since high school and only talked to her through myspace once or twice that's it. So anyways it discouraged me and had me rethinking this whole photography thing. I finally got over that cause you know what that host site is there for a reason ...........hello it's for people to use right??? And I'm doing this for me and myself who cares if i make any money at it I'm enjoying every minute of it. OK we got past that and then Mikayla poor mikayla got sent home from school last Thursday due to a sore throat, well strep is going around really bad so we go to the Dr and he says she's fine other than an ear infection so medicine here we come. Saturday comes and she has a ball game we go and she don't play but maybe 2 mins the whole game. She uses her inhaler like 3 times which isn't normal for her then she tells her coaches that she feels really week and feels as if her legs are going to collapse so she sits out the rest of the game and slept the whole way home and went back to bed when we got there. Anyways Monday we didn't send her to school but we had to take brann to Tulsa to see the workers comp Dr and Kayla slept the whole freaking trip there and back. So my baby isn't eating and all she wants to do is sleep . We take her back to the Dr Tuesday and he test her for the flu and strep both negative. Well the lab tech is a team players mom and we talked and she said she figured something was wrong with Kayla cause she wasn't playing in the game which the child never comes out unless they are trying to make sure everyone gets the same playing time. So we left the Dr without an answer other than her is is looking better. Then yesterday Brann calls me and says well the base called me today! I'm thinking what for. Well they got an opening for some classes he has to take and guess what out of like 12 people that need the same classes they call my hubby and tell him to be ready to leave next month. He's only going to Texas but that's 5 hours away and it's for 2 whole months. we can go down there but who wants to drive with 3 kids for 5 hours NOT ME!!!!!!!! He says he'll try to get a weekend pass but those are hard to come by. Ladies remember to not get too comfortable with life as you see it cause there will always be a curve ball when you least expect it. I know I got to comfortable with my life and then all chaos broke loose. Now I'm having to readjust my life to the circumstances.