Friday, December 12, 2008

WEEK FROM HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly when do us moms get a break? I have been going through a real rough time lately. I honestly feel as if I'm going to have a nervous break down. It seems as if OUR JOB is NEVER done it's always something. I have had a week from HELL............. Sunday I just realized I scheduled Katie's bday party on the same day and time as the van buren Christmas parade so I had to go and get More invites cause you know half of the kids wont show do to the parade and half her friends being in girls scouts which they walk in the parade every year. WOW I don't even remember Monday as if it never even happened, Tuesday Chasyn was into every thing and I mean every thing he even climbed up his daddy's Big Chest of drawers and pulled it over on top of him. I was so freak out thinking he was really hurt but turned out the Good Lord above protected him and he only had a scrap and a bruise, Wednesday My Church class had been pinging off the walls which normally they are a great group of girls (4th-6th) We have been practicing for our Christmas program and they just went crazy finally I had to yell at them to get them to listen they had no clue what was going on cause I had never yelled before also all night Katie kept crying over little things I thought but to her they were mountains. Thursday took Chasyn to the Dr. the poor kid has gotten no sleep since Monday night we sat in the waiting room for an hour then we sat back in the room for a half hour his apt was at 9:15 am and we ended up leaving like at 11:45 come to find out he has bronchitis yeah the crankiness is only going to get worse then tried to get some shopping done but didn't happen they girls were begging for everything in sight and Chasyn my little monkey from Tuesday kept climbing in and out of the cart......yay what fun that was. Then today Chasyn was up at the butt crack of dawn and was cranky I was dealing with chasyn so much I forgot to tell Brann happy birthday before he left out for work. Got the girls to school with chasyn SCREAMING AND CRYING the whole way Thank the lord it's only less than a mile it might not even be 1/4 of a mile what do you think Christina? Then the little rug rat lost my freaking phone and I didn't even know it when I found it I had like 25 missed calls great how many of those people think I was ignoring them? I pick the kids up from school we head to town to get the stuff to make daddy and the ball team cup cakes I get everything and head back to cedarville then I had to bake with a 2 yr old attached to my leg the whole time. Finally we get the cup cakes done and head to practice I really needed to get some things done so that I could be ready for the basketball team pics I'm going to be taking in the next few weeks but no I couldn't get that done Chasyn was bothering the other kids and one of them let me know how much he was bothering him and he wasn't nice about it at all I shouldn't have been shocked I've had run in with this child and his parents before and so has other parents and children so I know it wasn't just my child. I dealt with it as long as I could before I said something I would have regretted. I picked Chasyn up and told him to leave them alone and let them play but do you really expect a 2 yr old to understand that other kids don't want him around. One of the moms of one of the other kids went and got some toys for Chasyn to play with but by that time I had enough and was heading to the car with him. She tried so hard to help but I just wanted to get out of there I was at my wits end with him. I appreciated her trying to help and I forgot to tell her that and I hope she knows that. Finally I calmed down and decided to head in when that same little boy along with his friends and my daughter came outside and said we're done playing so bring Chasyn back inside. I was hit wrong by that it seemed like he was giving me permission to come back in the gym. I know he is only a child but it just hit me wrong so I just sat there and waited on my kids to come out with a friend. My friend that tried to help with chasyn came out and talked to me and she told her son not to bring they toys again I told her honestly I was never told by her son that my son was bothering them and I know this family good enough that this child would come to me or his mom and say something So then I felt bad because he got in trouble because I just left instead of dealing with the one child and parent that needed it. And on top of things Brann never showed up to practice after all that hard work on the cup cakes he never showed up. I believe I have rambled on way to much and I know the grammar in this is horrible so please over look it.


Moms Gone Godly said...

You deserve a metal for all your hardwork that has NO BREAKS! I don't think my patience would be as much of a blessing as yours!!

Randi said...

OH Girl! I too have days and weeks like that. I pray that things have improved. In the meantime, try to look for a gift that God is giving YOU today just to remind you that He is here and He loves you!
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Blessings to you!