Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Photography is my Passion

So I haven't been on here a lot lately due to me trying to create & print up flyer's and business cards oh yeah also trying to get my web page just the way I want it. I hate that I haven't blogged much but I guess I haven't had the time. I took my kids out in our back yard and did a quick photo shoot of them which they turned out great!!! I'll post some pics later. The more pics I take the more I fall in love with photography. This past Saturday I took pics of our wonderful friends the Mooney's, it was a blast Christina. I want to post some pics but I'm going to leave that up to Christina to show the ones she likes. Hey Christina I would love to get Hanna and Mikayla together and take a few pics. I have to tell you guys my hubby has been so great at pushing me into doing this and letting me get out to do the photo shoots all by myself and if your like me you know how hard it is to get out of the house without ANY kids. He has been amazing through all this set up he has even been handing out business cards and putting up flyer's and doing all he can to help make this work for me. I have been thinking about something lately and was wondering if you oh so wonderful friends would help me make my mind up. Our church has started a building fund for our new church, I was thinking of a way to help raise money for the church I have two ideas and was wondering if you ladies would mind to put your two cents in. My first idea was to have shirts made up that said "I helped " on the front and on the back "build Cedarville AOG" and sell them all around town (just to let you know tee shirts are a big hit in this area) But then I had another Idea that is more me I thought maybe setting up a day to open the church for a photo session for any one and everyone to have pics taken and all the profit go to the church from both of them. The second idea really wasn't mine I remember when I was little our church doing this same thing to raise money and it seemed that the whole congregation came out to have pics taken. anyways I need to get off here and help with dinner.


Lisa said...

Congrates to you girl, I think that it is so awesome your hunny is being so supportive to you, it is important to have someone that has faith in what we are doing and who we are. God will contiue to guide you and show you your road. I am so happy you are finding your blessing and talents and have something that is for you.....
Praise be to Him.

Unknown said...

I take pictures at our valentine banquet and sell them for $5.00 each. Then I donate the $ to the youth. This has been a great way to earn money for the youth. I design a themed background usually. The pic of Donny and I sitting on a Harley on my blog was this years theme.
Have you learned to use photoshop yet? If not, it's a must for photographers! You can download a free trial on

The one neg I see with the t-shirts is the only ppl that will buy them are ppl that go to your church. Everyone wants picture of themselves or kids at least.