Saturday, November 15, 2008

Please tell me it's not just me!!!!

I think I might be losing my mind!!! This past weekend my kids decided that they were going to be heathens so in turn they missed Kayla's best friends bday party. Brann left out to go deer hunting ok no problem but the kids all of a sudden wouldn't listen. I was at my wits end with them I kept threatening "We won't go to Hanna's bday party" but they knew I was a push over by this point. So Sunday comes and we get up and get ready for church no problems so I'm thinking OK maybe they decided to be good...........I was so wrong they got worse when they got to church (don't think the chocolate doughnuts helped). So I was trying to corral up my children after church and can't seem to find them then when i did they wouldn't listen. I finally got them in the car ant told them they were NOT going to the party. We get home I'm still fuming but i decided that they could still go to the party well it was time to load up and someone left the doors open not one but 3 of them why they needed 3 doors to get out I have no idea but they did they were open for like 30 mins!!!!! I also have a problem with my car and something not shutting off when the car goes off so leaving the door open 10 mins will make it go dead...............I know it's a problem we NEED to get fixed but the mechanic says it can take days to find it & who can go without a car for days I sure can't. So the kids were so awful, disrespectful, and disobedient that they make it to where they couldn't go to the party. Well I figured I could put the charger on the battery and we'd show up late but I was wrong and I learned a lesson from God. Stick to my guns what I say goes no matter what and I should never give in to them just because. I always give in to the kids just to make them happy but intern I end up the one that isn't happy and in a bad mood because of whatever they did. The kids kept on acting up till Tuesday when daddy came home and they HAD to MIND. But then my dear hubby left out again Thursday but he took Kayla with him so I had to two that don't seem to get along. They fought and fought and drove me crazy!!! SO this whole week I had been in a bad mood only because I let my kids ruin my week . I really didn't enjoy my birthday either because I let my kids being obnoxious and my hubby not helping out with the kids more ruin it even when we went to dinner i thought maybe he would let Chasyn sit by him so I could enjoy the evening a little bit but I was sooooo wrong i dealt with the little Turkey all night. I just need to stop and realize that I need to be grateful with what I have even if my kids are rambunctious and don't mind at least i still have my kids. I can hold them and kiss them anytime I want to. I can tuck them in at night. I am grateful for my children but I take it for granted some times. Back in Feb my brother in law lost his little boy ,that was only 4 months older that Chasyn, He wishes he had just one more day with his little boy because he put his job before his kids and family so he never really seen them. The morning he went to wake up his little boy and take him to the store to get his normal Saturday morning sucker he had passed away in his sleep. The part that he regrets is he had been out of town that whole week before and when he came home that Friday night he was home in time to put his kids to bed and that was it. That was the last time he saw his son alive. He now stays in town and don't leave more than one night. I just need to be grateful my children are healthy and are able to drive me crazy because there are people put there that would give anything for just one more day with their children. Thank you Lord for giving me these 3 precious and beautiful children.


robbieniccum said...


come to me all those who are weary and I will give you rest.
somewhere in Matthew,I think :)

and NO! It's definitely not just you :)

I am very sorry for your brother-in-law's loss.

Lisa said...

I know how you ,feel those days seem to be longer than 24 hours, but you are right, if you can see the light past all the distortion it will be the world of difference, I am learning to breath through wanting to knock my kids out.
maybe that battery was dead for a reason!
Its tough, raising kids is so freakin tough, but they are a gift to us for a reason, so do our best, learn from our mistakes nad keep moving foward, no matter what our mistakes may be.
I am so sorry for your brother in laws loss, was the child having any issues previously?