Sunday, December 28, 2008

Amazing simply Amazing!!!!!!!

So let me tell you about something amazing. When I was a little girl my grandma always left her nativity scene up year round but baby JESUS was removable so all year the manger would lay there empty then Christmas morning he would be in the manger. I so wanted a nativity scene where baby JESUS was removable but if you have really looked at them now days he is glued in the manger. I searched and searched but couldn't find one like my grandma's. A day or two after Christmas a few years ago I had found a broken one where Baby JESUS was broke out of the manger and a few other pieces were broke but I didn't care cause JESUS and the manger were salvageable so the following year I had replaced the pieces that were broke. I then carried on my grandma's tradition. Every year I would wrap Baby Jesus up in tissue paper and pack him up with the Christmas stuff and do as my grandma did. Well this year was different cause when I unpacked my decorations Baby JESUS was no were to be found. I told only one friend and her response was you better find him. So Christmas came this year and Baby JESUS was no where to be found so I thought I stood up on the fireplace to get the kids stockings down and low and behold Baby JESUS was laying in the manger right where he belonged. I turned and looked at Brann and said Thank you babe for finding baby Jesus and putting him in the manger. He had this look of cluelessness (making up my own word) on his face and said I didn't do it so we turn to the girls and ask them if they did it and they sure didn't do it. Christ will always be part of our Christmas even if there is or isn't Baby Jesus in the manger. I welled up with tears I was simply amazed.


Moms Gone Godly said...

That is one of the coolest stories I have ever heard! What an amazing ministry your grandmother began through her own traditions. Give it up for GRANDMA! What is even more amazing is how she ministered to you as a young child through the true meaning of Christmas. I love this story and I want to start that too:)

Randi said...

That is way cool!

The Hamby's said...

He always shows up! That is soooo awesome! It gives me chills! WOW!!! I love the idea too!

Lisa said...

THAT is awesome, love the tradition too!