Friday, October 17, 2008

Sorry my mistake

OK ladies I now know what was wrong with the link for my web site I got to looking at it and sighed well DUH I spelled photography wrong!!! In that whole lat post I spelled it right and all but when it came to the most important part I went and spelled it photogrhapy. So the link is now fixed and it can be used to get to the right spot now. Sorry my bad

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Everlasting Photography

So during the Little League Homecoming Brann took it upon himself to run his mouth like he always seems to. I have to give it to him this time it was for my best interest, he befriended the photographer and talked the poor guys head off. Anyways they were talking about me and photos and how I take so darn many then go and get copies and hand them out AT my expense. So then the photographer wanted to see some of my photos and for some odd reason brann had my camera he commenced to showing him some of my work. Well all in all I ended up getting a lecture from both Brann and the Photographer about why I always seem to just hand out my work for nothing and i could be doing something with it and making some money to pay for my equipment. I sat around for a few days and then we went to pic up Katie's pics from Jay Dee's photography the guy asked if I decided to do anything. SO him and his wife gave me some prices to get things done and not charge so much so that I can build up clients, had me start my own web page and get business cards. All in all it has been a lot of work but I'm starting to feel it all come together and I'm praying that this is where God wants me to go with it. I'm still a little
iffy but I know that is just Satan trying to bring me down and take my hope away. This is something that I am very passionate about and absolutely love doing it's kinda my ex scape away from it all, it might even be my sanity.........ha ha ha I don't think us mothers know what that is anymore. OK well here is my site if you would like to check it out

Hope you enjoy it

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lets give it a TRY!!!!!!!!

These are a list of question that you must answer w/ one word answers.It's harder than it sounds, trust me! Forwarded from other bloggers!
1. Where is your cell phone? Table
2. Where is your significant other? Recliner
3. Your hair color? Brown
4. Your mother? Loving
5. Your Father? intelligent
6. Your favorite thing? Camera
7. Your dream last night? bunches
8. Your dream/goal? schooling
9. The room you're in? Kitchen
10. Your hobby? Photography
11. Your fear? losing
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
13. Where were you last night? Football
14. What you're not? Girly
15. One of your wish list items? debt-free
16. Where you grew up? Everywhere
17. The last thing you did? colored
18. What are you wearing? pj's
19. Your TV? Broke
20. Your pet? cranky
21. Your computer? need
22. Your mood? aggravated
23. Missing someone? lots
24. Your car?clean
25. Something your not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? Kohl's
27. Your summer? short
28. Love someone? lots
29. Your favorite color? GREEN
30. Last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? days

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

And the Homecoming Royalty are!!!!!!

OK so tonight was homecoming and it was a big mess. It rained till about noon here, So Alicson decided to move it in the gym. Yay we are going to be HOT and MISERABLE. So we get to the football field and again we moved the cheerleaders pics inside so from 1freaking 30 to 4:30 we were stuck in the old hot gym with out any AC. Well we get the pics done and some other parent told me the football players were not allowed to wear their cleats in the gym. I'm already hot and stressing cause Chasyn hasn't had a nap yet and was cranky. I have to go back home to get Kayla's shoes so that she may walk in Homecoming. I get back and she hadn't gotten ready yet. I thought I told her to get ready while I was gone......yeah right her listen to me...... what was I thinking. I then had to figure out why she didn't get any flowers the girls had one to carry and the boys had one on their jersey OK so why did she get skipped. Come to find out the people passing them out thought that she should get the one the other person was passing out so instead of asking her which she wanted they assumed wrong. OK we got the flower thing taken care of then when it was time for her to walk they had her walking in the middle of a football player and a cheerleader and we had talked about her walking her sister in the middle of her and a football player so I had to get that taken care of. I really wish she had nothing to do with homecoming it was a total nightmare. Brann had guard drill and was going to get off work early so that he could be there for his girls, by now I'm so stressed out that I'm really to explode. Brann walked in the door right before they were going to announce the winners so he was able to take chasyn off my hands for a few minute thank the Lord for that. Finally after all the pep squad, cheerleaders, and football players were announced the announced the cheerleader Royalty Which Kayla was so happy the 2 girls she voted for won Jessica Payton and Kara Dickens!!!!!!! OK now 3rd grade football Royalty..........................................MIKAYLA ODEN Yay and Mason Parker. I was so happy for her I was also so grateful her daddy was there to see her win. When I get time to sit long enough to post pics of that night I sure will.


Kayla is in that mess just look real close and find the yellow socks!!! That's Daddy's little Girl!!!!

Look at her Cheer. That's my little Princess!!!!!

Well today is homecoming in little league land yay. You all know Mikayla plays football and all. I had a little question that no one could seem to answer for me. Was Kayla going to run for King or Queen? She was a football player so that entitled her to King but then she was a girl and that entitled her to Queen. Football parents said she better run for Queen because she was a girl but then Cheer leading parents said King because she was a football player. All in all it was just the parents not wanting my daughter to run against their kids because they were afraid that she might win because she was standing out being the girl football player. Also I guess they have heard other kids say that "they were voting for Kayla cause she plays football and that's cool" I just found this out yesterday when a parent had told me that their daughter voted for Kayla. I can't believe parents would be way just so that their kid could win. I could care less who won and it's about the kids not the parents. I also found out from that same mom, Kayla was running with the Football players and they were not having King and Queen they were only going to be Royalty. So Mikayla has a chance at being Football Royalty. Woo Hoo who really cares I don't only if my kids have fun doing it. I really hope she don't win cause I don't want a bunch of parents mad at me even though it was their kids that would have voted for her. Katie gets a crown no matter what because she is only a little mascot and isn't old enough to run for royalty so I'm good there. Katie don't care but it makes it all better when she gets a crown. I'll keep you guys posted about homecoming tonight. Pray that everything goes well and no one gets mad if my child does happen to win. My children are royalty in mine and our Father's eyes each and every day.