Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Everlasting Photography

So during the Little League Homecoming Brann took it upon himself to run his mouth like he always seems to. I have to give it to him this time it was for my best interest, he befriended the photographer and talked the poor guys head off. Anyways they were talking about me and photos and how I take so darn many then go and get copies and hand them out AT my expense. So then the photographer wanted to see some of my photos and for some odd reason brann had my camera he commenced to showing him some of my work. Well all in all I ended up getting a lecture from both Brann and the Photographer about why I always seem to just hand out my work for nothing and i could be doing something with it and making some money to pay for my equipment. I sat around for a few days and then we went to pic up Katie's pics from Jay Dee's photography the guy asked if I decided to do anything. SO him and his wife gave me some prices to get things done and not charge so much so that I can build up clients, had me start my own web page and get business cards. All in all it has been a lot of work but I'm starting to feel it all come together and I'm praying that this is where God wants me to go with it. I'm still a little
iffy but I know that is just Satan trying to bring me down and take my hope away. This is something that I am very passionate about and absolutely love doing it's kinda my ex scape away from it all, it might even be my sanity.........ha ha ha I don't think us mothers know what that is anymore. OK well here is my site if you would like to check it out

Hope you enjoy it


robbieniccum said...

for some reason my computer froze up when I tried to look at your other website...I will try again in a little bit.....
Good for you on following your dream ; ) It's so cool when you "delight yourself in the Lord and He gives you the desires of your heart" ; )

Good to hear from you BTW

Lisa said...

your site is not coming up, hmmmm, I have been doing the same, put together a site, still a work in progress, so much of my work was done with a manual camera so I would have to scan all my work in, thats time I dont have to spare so I had to work with what I had on hand, but it was something, I am running into the fact that I dont have a ton of free time to do what needs to be done, but I will take that as Gods way of saying it will be paced, I know in my heart that in two years I will be ready to go full force, right now there is so much to keep up with, there is a link on my page to my web page as well if interested, I am saying many prayers for you girl, in free moments I am trying to research info on digital photography, all my books that I bought years ago are pre digital, if I had only known huh! Oh well worth reading again to get it all back in my brain.......