Thursday, June 26, 2008

Struggles being a Godly wife

I find it so hard to be a Godly wife. I know your suppose to submit to your husband and he's suppose to be the head of the house. For some reason I find it so darn hard to do this. I get so caught up in doing something with the church, spending time in with the Lord, and with my kids I tend to forget about Brannon. I know he needs me just as much as the Lord, church, and Kids but I tend to put him on the back burner all the time. Why Why do we do this??? I don't have an answer. All I can do is give it to God and ask him to help me in this area of need. Brannon gets up and goes to work every day so I can stay home with the kids. He makes sure there is always food on the table, bills paid and the kids have most of what they want. I full fill my duties as a mother and a woman of Christ but why am I having such a hard time full filling my duties as a WIFE?? I try and try but get off track so many times, I pick my self up again and try some more. I hope there are other wives out there that are going through the same things as me and can share with me and maybe we can encourage each other and life each other up.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Children need Daddy time too!!!!!

Due to my hubby's work he don't get to spend much time with the kids, which they hate. He would come home and cook (only cause he wants to cook not cause I don't want to), eat and go to bed. I have rode his bottom about him needing to spend more time with his children. I got so tired of nagging as he called it so I gave it all to God and left it up to him. The first week of June Brannon started spending time with the kiddos, an answered prayer. He don't sit down with them every night and play or do what they want to do but he does try to spend more time with them. He goes to all Mikayla's games and most of Katie's when he didn't have to go one way with Kayla and I with Katie. I'm just so proud of him and how much he is really trying to do better by the kids. He is enjoying every minute that he is spending with them. Tonight he got out in the pool with all 3 kids and I just sat back and watched them play. It's been a while since I've seen the kids this happy. Brannon is coming around slowly but surely all I have to do is leave it in gods hands and pray and pray .

"Come and follow me " Jesus said "And I will make you fishers of men" Matt 4:19

One night after VBS Kayla asked me if I could look up Bible verses for her. I was like "OK no problem tomorrow we will go and get you some note cards to put them on so you can flip through them easy". So the next day we set off to the store to get her note cards and some stuff for her goody bag. Mikayla has Nationals coming up for softball and we have to make goody bags for our sister team. Her coaches asked us to find things to help keep the girls busy for 3 whole days. So while we're shopping she says "Mom can we go get the note cards yet?" so I told her "yes lets go get them right now" so I go to pick up the white ringed note cards and Kayla asked if she could get the colored ones for her goody bag. So I'm thinking why do you need note cards for your goody bag. My precious little girl looked at me with her pretty blue eyes and said "momma I want to tell our sister team about Jesus so I would like to get the colored note cards so we can put those memory verses on them do they can read about Jesus during the state tournament." How come our children have no problem witnessing to people but us adults find it so hard to find time to tell someone about the greatest news ever, Jesus loves us and has an awesome plan for us and he die for our sins.I think we put our lives before God and we also wonder what people will think of us. We all need to be like a child again and not care about anything but spreading the word. I challenge every adult that reads this to be a fisher of men and do as Mikayla has done.

Loving through the meaness

My children teach me so much everyday. Katie is so precious and so loving no matter how up set she is she'll still say I love you. I had to take her to the Er due to her ear hurting then it started bleeding. While we were there all she wanted to do is sing Jesus songs as she put it. She also had to make sure she called her sissy just to tell her she loved her even though before we left the house she was upset cause sissy wouldn't let her play on webkinz with her. Katie didn't care about her sissy being mean all she wanted was to make sure her sissy knew how much she loved her. If we all cared about making sure that everyone knew how much we loved them it just might put a dent in all this hatred in the world. I'm gonna try so hard and remember that even though I might get mad or upset I still need to let the person know that I love them so very much and let it go just as Katie has been doing.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friends make a diffrence

My oldest child Mikayla is a people person. I'm so grateful that she has found a wonderful God loving child just like herself. They seem to be so mature for their age. They both love God and live for him to the best of their teachings. I have had a hard time with Mikayla being humble sometimes but I really don't have to worry about it because little miss Hanna doesn't hesitate to let her know when she needs to check herself but then again Mikayla would do the same for Hanna. I love the friendship they have. They help each other through the daily struggles that a 2nd grader might have OMG...... they are now 3rd graders. Time flies by so fast. Parents the only thing your child really needs to KNOW that you love them is simply your TIME. Just doing something they love will show them. Hanna and Mikayla have been friends since kindergarten and I'm so grateful for that. I pray each and every day that Mikayla stays on the right track and I believe the only way that will happen is if she keeps her Godly friends right at her side encouraging each other in their walks with the Lord.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cedarville AOG

My children have grown so much it amazes me. I owe most of that to our wonderful and most amazing church. Mikayla has grown in the Lord so much just from the classes she goes to there at church. I love help teaching the 6th grade girls on Wednesday night. I just hope they get as much out of the lessons as I do. Katie is still a little young to really understand but she amazes me every time she draws a little picture cause it's always about God and his rainbow, flowers animals or any thing he has created. I see God working through each and ever child at our church. I love to see each child change for the better. We do all kinds of fun stuff for children. We want each and every child to have the chance to meet our wonderful Lord and Savior. I get the wonderful pleasure to go to church camp this year with the kiddos. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in these wonderful children's lives.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My 3 wonderful God given gifts

God has entrusted each and every parent with the gift of your children. He wants us to raise and teach them according to his word. I know it's hard to do everything so prefect, we try our hardest and we still don't think it's enough. I just want a place where moms and dads can come together and help raise our children buy Gods words. If we can stick together and do this then we can make a difference in the world and show more families that God is our ROCK and he gets us through everything.