Monday, June 23, 2008

"Come and follow me " Jesus said "And I will make you fishers of men" Matt 4:19

One night after VBS Kayla asked me if I could look up Bible verses for her. I was like "OK no problem tomorrow we will go and get you some note cards to put them on so you can flip through them easy". So the next day we set off to the store to get her note cards and some stuff for her goody bag. Mikayla has Nationals coming up for softball and we have to make goody bags for our sister team. Her coaches asked us to find things to help keep the girls busy for 3 whole days. So while we're shopping she says "Mom can we go get the note cards yet?" so I told her "yes lets go get them right now" so I go to pick up the white ringed note cards and Kayla asked if she could get the colored ones for her goody bag. So I'm thinking why do you need note cards for your goody bag. My precious little girl looked at me with her pretty blue eyes and said "momma I want to tell our sister team about Jesus so I would like to get the colored note cards so we can put those memory verses on them do they can read about Jesus during the state tournament." How come our children have no problem witnessing to people but us adults find it so hard to find time to tell someone about the greatest news ever, Jesus loves us and has an awesome plan for us and he die for our sins.I think we put our lives before God and we also wonder what people will think of us. We all need to be like a child again and not care about anything but spreading the word. I challenge every adult that reads this to be a fisher of men and do as Mikayla has done.


Moms Gone Godly said...

That is so awesome! I loved reading this story even though I already knew about it. Hanna and I were just talking about how awesome Mikayla was today. Hanna stated that Mikayla was a good christian friend and always makes her feel good about herself, making her heart get brighter and feel happier!! God has blessed you with 2 beautiful daughters who have a heart for Jesus. And you are right, we do need to be like children, not caring, just sharing:)

Katie showed us to put others first even though she was in pain and not having the best day. What a great testimony for the other patients who got to hear her sing "Jesus songs!" I enjoy hearing what your children are teaching you daily because they are teaching me too:) Her picture is precious!!

Shelbi said...

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Which you know what I think about Mikayla, and how God is doing great things through her. I see it in Katie too......Your kids must have some great parents :)