Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cedarville AOG

My children have grown so much it amazes me. I owe most of that to our wonderful and most amazing church. Mikayla has grown in the Lord so much just from the classes she goes to there at church. I love help teaching the 6th grade girls on Wednesday night. I just hope they get as much out of the lessons as I do. Katie is still a little young to really understand but she amazes me every time she draws a little picture cause it's always about God and his rainbow, flowers animals or any thing he has created. I see God working through each and ever child at our church. I love to see each child change for the better. We do all kinds of fun stuff for children. We want each and every child to have the chance to meet our wonderful Lord and Savior. I get the wonderful pleasure to go to church camp this year with the kiddos. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in these wonderful children's lives.


Moms Gone Godly said...

I just have to tell anyone who visits this blog that my daughter Hanna and son Richie adore going to Wednesday Children's Church and ANY activity this church has. It is AWESOME! Hanna has been going longer and has learned so much. I have never see her so excited about going to church. All you teachers at Cedarville AOG rock! Keep spreading the word of's working!