Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandparents day!!!!!!!!!!!

Mikayla looks forward to grandparents day every year. See Brann's dad lives in Van Buren, it's only like 15 mins from our house, but he's not there very much. Grampy lives in Van Buren but works in Hot Springs and lives there the week and then goes out to his lot on lake Tenkiller on the weekends to get everything together for when we all do come out and stay. This past time we went camping with them we stayed in an unfinished trailer. So maybe next time it will be finished. Anyways when the school has grandparents day he always makes sure he attends. He always rescheduled hearings and other things just to spend that day with his grand kids. It would be nice if all their grandparents would come but Brann's mom and my mom don't think they need to spend much time with our children due to me being a stay at home mom. Which i believe every child needs time with their grandparents no matter what the parents do for a living. Anyways back to to Grandparents day every year they give a snack from back in the day. One year it was moon pies and RC colas, ice cream sandwiches, root beer floats, and this year it was peanuts and cokes. My father in law decided to show the kids what they used to do back in the day. They also had to do what Grampy showed them. Grampy poured his peanuts into his coke and said we used to do this as a kids and it's real good. I had to go up to the school also so that Chasyn could see Grampy too. This year was Katie's first year to participate in Grandparents day and she had no idea Grampy was coming so it was a surprise to her. Mikayla ha just learned something really neat about her Grampy so she was telling everyone that would listen to her that her Grampy got a purple heart in war. She was so excited to learn that one. I have some pics that I'm posting.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chasyn got a hair cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before hair cut!!!!!

After the first hair cut!!!

After the second hair cut!!!

I took my precious little boy to get a hair cut and I came home with a cute little boy I wish I had a pic. I told the lady, whom I know really well I don't know what I want but I trust you!! Ok so all was good Chasyn sat there like a good little boy and got his hair cut. I thought his hair cut was so darn cute it was just a little boy hair cut not to long but not to short either. Well I tried and tried to get Brann to come with me and he said just go and surprise me. So what do I do I go and have his hair cut to where I like it and think it was cute and all but when I got home Brann said he looked like Jr. off Problem child. So this morning Brann wasn't happy with his cute hair cut so we took him back to have it re cut my baby walked out with NO HAIR I cried. Chasyn had such beautiful hair and I loved it. He would also play with his hair as he went to sleep and I was now thinking what am I going to do at bed time. Brann had his hair cut like his a high and tight (military cut). I can't look at my precious little boy without thinking about his beautiful strawberry blonde hair being all gone. Tonight after the girls game Chasyn was sitting in his car seat trying to play with his hair but guess what there was nothing to play with but after driving down to the other gas station he finally fell a sleep. Thank the Lord.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Day of fun and education

So we as a family went out to the Fort Smith History Museum. The kids loved it and they learned so much. Brannon also love the Museum which he has never been too!! Shocker i know since it's been in the area longer than I have been alive. i posted some pics of our wonderful day out as a family. This don't happen much but I think we had so much fun that we are going to start making it a month thing. Our next outing is going to be at the Judge Parker Court house which again Brann has never been too!!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy the pics.

This is the cash register at the soda fountain/pharmacy
Brann and the kids in front of an old car
Katie overlooking antique weapons and tools
The girls thought this was cool they got to see how the phone worked and was able to call each phone.
Garrison way back in the day!!!!!
old Civil War Solider pretty cool

an old military office
Good Old Judge Parker, The hanging Judge
An old house set up
Chasyn really thought something should come out

The girls on the trolley ride
Chasyn and the trolley driver, the driver showed Chasyn how to ring the bell which was a button on the floor.
The girls trying to really play checkers but chasyn kept stealing the pieces
OLD OLD cannon
Kayla thought this was really cool

Dreading tomorrow night

Katie and Kayla had a game Saturday night but due to the weather that was coming from Ike it got cancelled. Little did Ozark know we could have gotten the game out of the way before the weather came our way. It didn't get bad till after 8 and the game was for 5:30. Anyways since they didn't play Saturday we now have to play tomorrow night. I'm dreading driving all the way to Ozark on a school night we won't get back till late because Brann likes to stay for the 5th & 6th grade game also. I love letting my kids play sports and all but when it interferes with school that's when I have to say no more. If we have to play to many more way games on school nights I'm gonna have to have them quit. I just can't handle their grades slacking due to not having time to get homework done or studying done.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just a few pics I like

Just a random bucket but I love the pic!!!!!!

My hubby being himself (please ignore the shirt)

My niece Savannah
Chasy and Daddy
I think I'm in TROUBLE when she gets older!!! She should be a model (as Jodie put it I have my kid blinders on) lol
Up close and personal, Uncle Randy
Katie's boyfriend Jonathan being silly

The Mooney's and Oden's eating lunch while camping.
Richie he's just too CUTE!!!
This is the family monkey he he he actually this is my niece Bryslin

How sweet!!!! They actualy love each other.

OMG!!! this is only the second family photo since Katie was 2!!!!!!!!!!
They loved the tolley, chase called it a train go figure
too cute!!!!!!
Ktie's first day of school.

Katie @ the church back to school ralley

Chase and his plastic worm Looks like Hanna Banana had fun
Like I said she should be a model
WHo knows what he has Kayla looking at

Football & Cheerleading

I thought I would post some pics of the girls first game!!! Katiewas a great cheerleader and Kaylahad a great game. Kayla carried the ball for 5 yards twice, had two tackles, and she sacked the QB. Now what a great game that was and daddy went home with the biggest head any father there had. You can find Kayla in the pics by her bright yellow socks. Brann is one of the asst coaches and the one of the guys helping with the chains started talking to Brann about his son and he's doing great for his first time ever to play ball. Well Brann being a proud dad said yeah number 14 thats my daughter and right then they announced Mikayla Oden with the tackle and come to find out she tackled that guys boy so from then on he wouldn't talk to Brann the rest of the game. LOL I love it............ Her other coaches said that she took the hardest hit of the game. After the game was over (we lost) Kayla took off her pads and as we were leaving a bunch off little boys from the other team came up to her and said hey number 14 great game. Then Brann got stopped by some people his brother went to school with (his brother went to school were we played) They said so I hear your neice is out here playing well with his already being so big he proudly said nope that's my girl!!!!! From then on out I lost my Hubby tosome old friends all they could do was talk bout Kayla. So I let Kayla go play with the boys from the other team and they asked her if she wanted to come play for their team because she hit harder than their boys.......... I'm so ready for another game Hopefully Katie will know her cheers better and Kayla will play as good as she did in the last game. I just had to share our first game with everyone. oh yeah these pics I posted are not the best the side we were sitting on had the sun beating right on us and if I went to the other side then I wouldn't have gotten pics of Katie.