Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I forgot to mention

On this last post about Mikayla's class work I forgot to mention that I have talked to the teacher and she was being nice letting her bring her work home instead of giving her a zero. We also talked about why she isn't getting it all done. It's not that she can't do it cause we all know she can. The first 3 test she has taken she has gotten 100% on 2 and 108% on the last one. She is getting distracted and is playing with everything inside of her desk. So Mrs. Brown and I came up with possibly taking her recess away since all she does in class is play. The teacher thinks this might help since she likes to go play football with the boys at recess. Mrs. brown has taken away a recess from her before we had talked about this. She sends her with her work and a clip board to finish her work while everyone plays and the sooner she gets it done the sooner she can go and play. It's kinda motivation for her to hurry up so she can play.


robbieniccum said...

hey girlfriend, again, I hope there are no hard feelings for what I said last time....I know people tell me when they think I am being too hard on my kids because they are kids and it's true that it takes a village to raise them : )

I hope it all comes together for her ; )

Lisa said...

ok so I am caught up and I have to say you are so at an easy fix, I pray. the teacher thing, Brenden had the same teacher for 3 years, the 2nd grade year was when alot of issues started, so we thought oh no, he knows her too well, use to her ways and she may be protecting him too much and now it is out of control, so make sure this teacher is still being her teacher and seperating the friendship part of things, and you will have to remember not to take things personally.
I wish that is all that it was for Brenden, but he too would play in his desk, he even decided in 5th grade to turn his desk around so he couldnt play in it, that could be a help for you, have her desk turned so she can not play in it, I took game systems away from Brenden during the week, and no leaving our court, use to be if I grounded him he would say, well mom I was not going outside today anyway, grrrrrrrr, that boy could get me each time, he would find something else to do, so he rarley plays game systems and its ok, he finds other things to play, so what do you do to a kid that has nothing, well nothing, know that it is beyond maybe his control, or its a control issue.
If you find taking her favorites away is not the answer than he could be something else all together, check for bullying, or fears as well.
I am praying for Mikayla too, she is a beautiful child, I love that she loves football, that is so cool.....

Lisa said...

Brenden says for her to take everything out of the desk and put it in her cubby, then she would not have anything in her desk to distract her, that helped him in 5th grade. face the chalk board and have her desk at the front of he class or near the teacher.