Saturday, September 6, 2008

Falling behind

I'm just finding out that I'm having a little problem with Mikayla. I have noticed that she is bringing more work than her homework home. I've talked to her teacher and she said she just isn't getting her work done. She has no problem doing the work but taking the time to do it is her problem. What in the class is so darn distracting that makes her not do her work? I'm at loss for things to try and help her. I have taken away football and fixing to take away recesses from her. We are only into the school year 3 weeks and she's already falling behind. I personaly know her teacher and she has stayed the night with her a couple of times, maybe this has something to do with it. Maybe just maybe she's being a little to leniant with her and not making her do the things she needs to be doing. I have no clue. I so want her to excell to her full potential but if she's not ising her time wisely then she might not ever get to her full potential. I pray that she picks up her pace and whatever is keeping her from being the best student I know she can be gets out of her way. Mikayla loves school and loves to learn so that makes me wonder why she is going so slow this year. Who knows I just need to pray about it and leave this up to God he can see her through this little problem she is having.


robbieniccum said...

Amber, I usually do not give advice or opinions unless they are encouraging heart hurt when you think about taking away her recess.....

someone once told me (and I'm not a teacher so I don't know) that it is the teacher's responsibility to do their job at are responsible at home....if she is not getting work done at school, the teacher needs to see why...whatever is brought home, you need to oversee that it gets done so she goes to school with a fresh slate the next day...but mingling the discipline from home to school, I'm just not sure....
please forgive me if I have overstepped my boundaries...I know it gets frustrating when we all want so much for our kids, but if you look at the majority of us, we didn't have it all together and here we are...moving on ; ) Thank you Jesus!