Friday, September 12, 2008

Just a few pics I like

Just a random bucket but I love the pic!!!!!!

My hubby being himself (please ignore the shirt)

My niece Savannah
Chasy and Daddy
I think I'm in TROUBLE when she gets older!!! She should be a model (as Jodie put it I have my kid blinders on) lol
Up close and personal, Uncle Randy
Katie's boyfriend Jonathan being silly

The Mooney's and Oden's eating lunch while camping.
Richie he's just too CUTE!!!
This is the family monkey he he he actually this is my niece Bryslin

How sweet!!!! They actualy love each other.

OMG!!! this is only the second family photo since Katie was 2!!!!!!!!!!
They loved the tolley, chase called it a train go figure
too cute!!!!!!
Ktie's first day of school.

Katie @ the church back to school ralley

Chase and his plastic worm Looks like Hanna Banana had fun
Like I said she should be a model
WHo knows what he has Kayla looking at


Moms Gone Godly said...

Great pictures Amber! You have to email me those of my kiddos. That one of Hanna cracks me up!

Lisa said...

great photos, I am so in love with photographs, I am a sentimental fool and love to capture every moment in life that I can, I dont know what I would do if I lost my photos, duh, I do know, take more!
keep the photos flowin sister

robbieniccum said...

how did you get the captions so perfectly over your pics?

Did you add one pic at a time?

I hardly mess with putting pics on here or I don't caption ; )

3 wonderful gifts said...

Hey Robbie I uploaded all the pics and then went back and wrote what I wanted then I used the down arrow to put the curser where I wanted it. It's really easy once you get the hang of it.