Friday, September 12, 2008

Football & Cheerleading

I thought I would post some pics of the girls first game!!! Katiewas a great cheerleader and Kaylahad a great game. Kayla carried the ball for 5 yards twice, had two tackles, and she sacked the QB. Now what a great game that was and daddy went home with the biggest head any father there had. You can find Kayla in the pics by her bright yellow socks. Brann is one of the asst coaches and the one of the guys helping with the chains started talking to Brann about his son and he's doing great for his first time ever to play ball. Well Brann being a proud dad said yeah number 14 thats my daughter and right then they announced Mikayla Oden with the tackle and come to find out she tackled that guys boy so from then on he wouldn't talk to Brann the rest of the game. LOL I love it............ Her other coaches said that she took the hardest hit of the game. After the game was over (we lost) Kayla took off her pads and as we were leaving a bunch off little boys from the other team came up to her and said hey number 14 great game. Then Brann got stopped by some people his brother went to school with (his brother went to school were we played) They said so I hear your neice is out here playing well with his already being so big he proudly said nope that's my girl!!!!! From then on out I lost my Hubby tosome old friends all they could do was talk bout Kayla. So I let Kayla go play with the boys from the other team and they asked her if she wanted to come play for their team because she hit harder than their boys.......... I'm so ready for another game Hopefully Katie will know her cheers better and Kayla will play as good as she did in the last game. I just had to share our first game with everyone. oh yeah these pics I posted are not the best the side we were sitting on had the sun beating right on us and if I went to the other side then I wouldn't have gotten pics of Katie.


robbieniccum said...

I love the pictures!!! That is so awesome....please tell them the friend you never met said YOU GO GIRLS!!!!!

3 wonderful gifts said...

I will be sure to tell them as soon as they get home from school!!!

Moms Gone Godly said...

This is so cute. It's like little people land. Look at all the mini's! GO Mikayla!!

Lisa said...

how CUTE are they, auh, eat them up yum!

Randi said...

Wow! Way to go girls! I love that you are allowing your baby girl to play football with a bunch of boys!

3 wonderful gifts said...

She has always wanted to play and her daddy said that as long as she wanted to play he would fight for her to be able to play and the good Lord make it to where we didn't have to do any fighting at all. They were excited to have her on the team.and she is really good.