Friday, August 22, 2008

Friendly Lunch

OK so a few of my friends got together for lunch the other day. Just us ladies it was a wonderful time. We all sat and talked about all kinds of things and didn't have to worry about hearing the word MOMMY. Oh it was so nice to have a conversation with someone other than a child ladies who truly understand where each other were coming from. I so wish I had thought about bringing out my camera but I dropped the ball on that one. We have decided to make this lunch a once a month Lunch date and I have already had a few other friends ask if they could join us. The more the merrier I said so next time I think we might need a table for 9 instead of 6. It was also nice to have my sister join us. She needs Jesus more than she knows. I'm just so glad that my friends made her feel so welcomed and didn't push God and Church on her. It made her realize that us Christians do have fun outside of church and our whole world don't revolve around making sure every other word out of our mouths was condemning people or trying to convince people that they have to live the way we do. It was nice for her to see that there are people out there that will share their belief's only if you ask about them and not push them on you. I just hope next time she gets more out of it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

And School Starts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so not ready for school to start. I have all the things the girls need to go to school but I'm just not ready for them to go to school. I wish the summer could be longer or at least ball wouldn't have been so long so that we could of had a summer. I hope and pray that everyone of your children have a great school year. This year we are trying to save our school K-12 we can do it with Gods help in every area. I think God wants this just was much as we do cause he sent a a new principal for the Ele. which is a good Christian lady on top of her Husband being a minister. Also over half the teachers at our school a Christians so we have a great foundation to start on. I think this is all I have for today but I'm sure I'll be posting pics of Katie's first day of K. She got her hair cut for school which makes her look so darn big. She shouldn't be going to school already. OK I think I'm going to cry now so please pray for me that I make it through the first day and week.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I NEED HELP AGAIN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so we have PIC (partners in Christ) going on at our school and I have been asked to speak to the kids. I have never done anything like this before and have no Idea where to start. I need some ideas and what ever you would like to help with. I have to do this August 27th I think so like a week and ahalf away. I've been praying about it and seeking Gods wisdom on this but I also would like the imput of my fellow bloggers if you don't mind. Thanks

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Philippians 4:19: "But my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

yeah my poor baby is taller than the boys but then again so is Hanna so Kayla don't really care!!!

I was talking with Christina tonight at Church and we got to talking about a friend of ours that is so negative about everything so we have decided that we will pray for her. Our friend is truly a great person but she can never see the positive in anything. Anyways that led me on a another topic our friend called while I was out shopping and I told Christina I missed her call and right now I have some many different things going on that I could be so negative about that I really didn't need that negative attitude around right now. Which in turn left me telling Christina about all that God has done for me lately. Back in May Mikayla asked to play FOOTBALL yeah my little girl playing football. So we signed her up and paid the dues everything was great. Well as I told you before my husband has lost his job and we are now living off his unemployment, which isn't a lot but seems to ALWAYS be enough. I got an email from my friend Robin she asked "where were you? You had missed the meeting for football and they handed out all the pads they had to kids that couldn't go out and buy them." I looked at Brann and said "well call your dad and see if he can help till your next check comes in. " We never called his dad and forgot about it. Oh well we'll get it some how. We went to practice last night and poor Mikayla was out there practicing and when they told the kids to go get there helmets on and line up Kayla came over to me and asked "mom what do I do I don't have one yet?' I told her to go get in line and she will have one at the next practice. So Brann was talking to the Head coach and an old class mate walked up with a helmet in hand and asked the coach if he knew of anyone who needed one. The coach then said I think they all have one. Then she looked at Brann and said does Kayla have one yet. Of course Brann told her not yet we plan on getting her one before the next practice. She handed the helmet to him and said here Skylar out grew it she can have it. That was a $65 blessing from God. As the night went on they ended up finding leg pads and practice pants and Jersey for her and by the end of the night she had almost everything she needed. She tried on a size medium shoulder pads that were too big and the director on the league walked up and said that by next practice the league will have some shoulder pads that they will buy just for her they want her to have some extra padding in them due to her being a girl. So all in all us being faithful to the Lord he met our needs in every way that we could have imagined yeah he waiting till the last split second but I guess as Christina put it he waits till the very last second just so that we can fully put all our trust in him and him only. I'm so grateful to a loving father and he always meets my need it's not in my time but in his time. I am truly blessed in everything in my life.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a simple smile

Sunday I was sitting in the car on our way to Chasyn's birthday party and I have my niece and nephew along with my 3 kids. I was listening to them talk in the back ground. They talked about everything under the sun but then I heard Heaven tell Mikayla "I think my mommy's in Texas now I hope she's ok" Mikayla looked at her and said "Heaven Aunt Heather's ok I've been praying for her and I've also been praying she'll start coming to church with us and get to know Jesus like we do." This melted my heart and made me tear up. I'm so proud of Mikayla I see God working through her almost everyday. God has a big plan for her we don't know what it is but I do know she's going to do some awesome things for God. She helps keep me on the right track when I need the help. I'm truly blessed to have such an amazing Husband and children. I can't thank God enough for putting these people in my life to have and to hold everyday of my life.

God stomped Satan today

So today we headed off to Tulsa so that Brann and see the workers comp Dr. Of course we get lost (due to his directions lol) so we call the Dr's office and find out that we are next door to the office. So no big deal except when the lady asked Brann "Didn't your attorney call you this weekend or this morning?" "Um no why?" Brann replied well the lady proceeded to tell brann why " Late Friday night Dr. Martin went into the hospital himself so we called your attorney to cancelled your apt. I'm sorry sir but since your here we can go ahead and do your paper work and reschedule your apt." so Brann was mad but I told him "that's OK we needed a road trip and hey while we're here lets go to the Bass pro shop and see if there's anything else we can do while we're here" So Brann was kinda upset and all knowing we're living off very little income and we just used a half a tank of gas to get there and back. He walks out of the Dr's office with a smile and said "well looks like we'll be back next week and how many Dr offices do you know that hands out money for you wasting time and gas for a cancelled apt" I was like "what are you talking about" Then he had to go and tell me "She said since we came so far that they had to make sure you had gas to get back home and did my paper work so it wouldn't be a wasted trip." Now she only gave him $40 but that was $40 more than what we had when we went. God stomped out Satan's little plan to ruin our trip and attitudes but we prevailed with Gods help and made the best of it. It was the most unproductive trip we have ever taken but it was the funnest. The kids were great the whole time and never even asked the famous "ARE WE THERE YET?" GOD is truly good to my family and I'm eternally grateful. I love that he never cease to amaze me. Each day with God is a new amazement

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What a fun time we had

Eric the monkey

He's thinking hard about this one
Concentration is really hard for him
I can do this hit the post
One of Eric's many faces
And another I call Old man Eric

Come on now no more pics
Aren't we just the cutest
Hanna Banana
Deep sea diver LOL
Chasyn loved the slide

Awwww How precious
I'm embarrassed to say the guy in the red is my hubby


Well I got invited to Christina's brother in laws house for his birthday Luau. We all had a blast and thank you so much Vicki and Christina for taking pics for me. I had a wonderful time with everyone and you all make us feel so welcomed. I think Brann and I are going to have you all over to our house sometime soon. But anyways here are some pics of earlier tonight.

GOD is Good

I think Treva and Christina are the only ones who know about this but here goes. Back in Feb Brann was in a horrible wreck with a Latimer County Deputy. God was with Brann cause to look at the pics he should have been dead. The deputy did die the crash ripped his left arm off at the shoulder. The wreck was the deputy's fault he hit Brann head on and they both were going
70 mph on impact. So Brann called me and I met him at the Hospital and he was really fine he had a severe sprained back, severely bruised heel, severe concussion, bloody nose, and that was about it. THANK THE LORD!!! Well he was in a company truck but since he wasn't on company time yet he had to go after Latimer county to have his medical paid for. Just before July his attorney had informed him that Oklahoma has the laws set up to where if you are a government employee then you can get out of any law suit 33 different ways. So his attorney had turned the case over to a workers comp attorney. He went to the appt he had and talked to the attorney and all but Brann was concerned with how this would affect the company since his boss had been paying all his medical bills and paid him the whole time he was off work. They were being truly Great to him. Well at the end of the appt he went to talk to the owner of the company he worked for and asked his opinion on the deal and he told him "Do what you have to do" So Brann being the good guy he his struggled with this decision. A couple of days later one of his bosses told him that the owner said that if he got a penny over what his medical bills were then they would have a relationship problem. That made Brann's decision because that wasn't looking out for his future if something else happen to come from this wreck. If all he got was to pay the medical bills then it would all go to his boss since he had paid all the bills. I told Brann just quit it will be OK. A few days later they took his big rig truck away and gave it to someone less qualified and also told him they would take his truck away real soon. I was still saying to quit it's easy to find a job in the Oil field. OK then we had plans to go camping with the Mooneys for the 4th of July and Thursday night they call Brann in to go out of town which in the 2 years he's been there he's been out of town only twice. Well anyways he got to head home Tuesday his boss wanted him to go to the shop and go to work which he hadn't been home since Thursday night. He got in trouble for not going to the shop after working 5 days out of town. Then when he went back to work Wednesday they tried to send him back out of town and he refused to go due to the hours he had on his driving log. He was over his hours by 30 hours so legally he had to have a 24 hour reset which he didn't have so they asked him to lie about the time he came in and add those hours at the end of the day. Which Brann hates liers, cheaters and thieves so he refused and they told him to go home and take 24 hours off with their own choice words. SO that night Brann cleaned out his truck and expected to get fired when he went back. Sure enough he got fired when he went back to work. He filed for unemployment and he was informed when he got fired don't even try to go for it cause in the whole time Parker had been in business no one has ever gotten it off them. Well Guess what "All things God works for the good of those who Love him and who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28 he is now getting unemployment and Monday he is to go to the workers comp Dr. in Tulsa. SO everything we left in Gods hands and is now going great. It's hard to not worry or complain about things but if we all trust in our God then it will all turn out good in one way or another. We just have to have as much faith as a mustard seed. Just trust and believe in the Lord and it will be taken care of.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

You never know when you will take your last breath

Just when you think you've gotten through all the rough times for a while you get slapped in the face again. I'm so at loss for words for my sister right now. Thursday afternoon my dad called and told us that my sister's boyfriend was electrocuted while he was on the job. I'm starting to think God is trying to tell her she can make it without a man cause this same thing happened to her back in Feb. This new boyfriend was great from what I hear I never got to meet him. Mom and Dad seem to like him and supposedly he asked heather to Marry him Saturday while he was in town. Monday he called to asked her ring size, then Thursday she got a phone call from the police letting her know what had happened. So now I have 2 of her kids which are a hand full they lie, steal, back talk and anything else you can imagine. I'm so trying to be a positive role model for them but it seems every time I turn around I have to get on to them for something and on top of all that my kids came home from their nanny's with a it's my way or no way attitude. Now they are picking up on my niece and nephews behavior. I'm so at loss on what to do I've tried everything and I don't know how much longer I can deal with this I just pray that my sister's trip to Texas isn't a long one. My mom got mad at me cause i didn't cry or anything all I could say was I'm sorry to hear that. I mean I'm not being hateful or nothing I just didn't know the guy never met him just talked to him once on the computer that's it. I'm praying for them and his family and I'll be there in anyway that I can but I personally didn't know him so why should I be as emotional as they are. I would like to ask all of you to be praying for my sister and Britt's family. He left behind a 17 month old little girl that he was raising all by himself. From what I read on the Dallas news page He was doing a job that he should have never been doing he was only a journeyman Electrician and a real electrician should have been there coaching him through the job but the company he worked for had him out on the job all by himself with a helper under him. I hate to say it but companies are getting brave to be putting peoples lives at risk the way that they are. My husband himself had a problem with his job kinda like that and he got fired July 10th because he refused to put himself or anyone else in danger.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Gotta Love Philippians 2:14

Again thanks Randi, at church camp a few of us ladies got stuck in the gym dorms(lucky me). Our youth pastor and I were some of those lucky ladies. I had tried to pack everything in our largest suit case to make sure there was room to haul everyone stuff. So when we found out we were in the gym Pastor Angie took me over there while we were hauling our stuff. She brought me to a door that had a flight of stairs we had to go up. OMG my bag was so heavy as I was dragging my bag up the stairs I kept repeating PHILIPPIANS 2:14. By the time we got to the top Pastor Angie looked at me and said "what are you saying". I looked at her and said I make Mikayla repeat Philippians 2:14 when she complains so I started saying it so that I wouldn't complain about the stairs or how heavy my bag was. She just looked at me and laughed. When we got to our room we found out that we had to share with 8 other ladies in a little 8x8 room with NO window. We made it through the week just fine sine the only time I had to go in my room was at bed time.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

God's Amazing turely amazing!!!!!!!!!

I was completely amazed this past week at kids camp!!! We had a few rowdy little boys with us and I got to witness the works of God through them this past week. They completely changed as a person and it was so amazing to see this happen first hand. One little boy has grown up without a father and in a horrible home life. He himself had started down the path of destruction along with his family. I proudly now announce he got saved and was baptised in the holy spirit. He has changed so much just in 5 wonderful days at camp. Also we had another little girl that went with us. She had grown up in church her whole life and Mom makes sure God comes first in their lives. Well this little girl wanted to be filled with the Holy spirit so bad I prayed with her along with each other adult that went with us (which was 5 of us) nothing came of it. Finally the last night she sat down with a bunch of her peers and they prayed with her and talked her through everything and by then end of service she was talking in tongues. It was truly amazing to see God work through our little precious children. All in all we had 5 kids saved, 13 baptised in the Holy Spirit, and 7 called in to the ministry. Hallelujah Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!