Sunday, August 3, 2008

God's Amazing turely amazing!!!!!!!!!

I was completely amazed this past week at kids camp!!! We had a few rowdy little boys with us and I got to witness the works of God through them this past week. They completely changed as a person and it was so amazing to see this happen first hand. One little boy has grown up without a father and in a horrible home life. He himself had started down the path of destruction along with his family. I proudly now announce he got saved and was baptised in the holy spirit. He has changed so much just in 5 wonderful days at camp. Also we had another little girl that went with us. She had grown up in church her whole life and Mom makes sure God comes first in their lives. Well this little girl wanted to be filled with the Holy spirit so bad I prayed with her along with each other adult that went with us (which was 5 of us) nothing came of it. Finally the last night she sat down with a bunch of her peers and they prayed with her and talked her through everything and by then end of service she was talking in tongues. It was truly amazing to see God work through our little precious children. All in all we had 5 kids saved, 13 baptised in the Holy Spirit, and 7 called in to the ministry. Hallelujah Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Moms Gone Godly said...

I am so glad to hear that God was moving! Can't wait to catch up with you.

Anonymous said...

That's amazing Amber! So glad you're back! I've checked every day! :)

robbieniccum said...

WOW! I'm speechless!

Lisa said...

that is simply awesome. God is awesome!!!