Saturday, August 9, 2008

You never know when you will take your last breath

Just when you think you've gotten through all the rough times for a while you get slapped in the face again. I'm so at loss for words for my sister right now. Thursday afternoon my dad called and told us that my sister's boyfriend was electrocuted while he was on the job. I'm starting to think God is trying to tell her she can make it without a man cause this same thing happened to her back in Feb. This new boyfriend was great from what I hear I never got to meet him. Mom and Dad seem to like him and supposedly he asked heather to Marry him Saturday while he was in town. Monday he called to asked her ring size, then Thursday she got a phone call from the police letting her know what had happened. So now I have 2 of her kids which are a hand full they lie, steal, back talk and anything else you can imagine. I'm so trying to be a positive role model for them but it seems every time I turn around I have to get on to them for something and on top of all that my kids came home from their nanny's with a it's my way or no way attitude. Now they are picking up on my niece and nephews behavior. I'm so at loss on what to do I've tried everything and I don't know how much longer I can deal with this I just pray that my sister's trip to Texas isn't a long one. My mom got mad at me cause i didn't cry or anything all I could say was I'm sorry to hear that. I mean I'm not being hateful or nothing I just didn't know the guy never met him just talked to him once on the computer that's it. I'm praying for them and his family and I'll be there in anyway that I can but I personally didn't know him so why should I be as emotional as they are. I would like to ask all of you to be praying for my sister and Britt's family. He left behind a 17 month old little girl that he was raising all by himself. From what I read on the Dallas news page He was doing a job that he should have never been doing he was only a journeyman Electrician and a real electrician should have been there coaching him through the job but the company he worked for had him out on the job all by himself with a helper under him. I hate to say it but companies are getting brave to be putting peoples lives at risk the way that they are. My husband himself had a problem with his job kinda like that and he got fired July 10th because he refused to put himself or anyone else in danger.


Lisa said...

that is sad, but I agree why would you be bawling for someone you dont know, maybe if your hormones were on track with the event you cuold have mustard up a few to please your mom?!, WHAT
are you the one in the family that is expected to, whatever at the time. Your sister just goes about doing no wrong?, I have this feeling that is how it is!
if I am right, then you must know by now that no matter what those roles will never change, you have to know your self and what you have to offer and not what is expected of you, even if you lived passed those expectations more would be put on you.
God has you in his sight and that is all that matters.
I pray for all those that put their lives on the line in their jobs, many are not trained or are not protect all to save money, cut a corner or save time.

3 wonderful gifts said...

you are so right about my sister everyone thinks she does no wrong and my dad and i try to help do whats best for her kids but I can only do so much I took 2 kids to help make it easier on my Dad. he had 2 also. I just wish she would put those kids before her own personal life but the only thing and the best thing I can do is pray for her