Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a simple smile

Sunday I was sitting in the car on our way to Chasyn's birthday party and I have my niece and nephew along with my 3 kids. I was listening to them talk in the back ground. They talked about everything under the sun but then I heard Heaven tell Mikayla "I think my mommy's in Texas now I hope she's ok" Mikayla looked at her and said "Heaven Aunt Heather's ok I've been praying for her and I've also been praying she'll start coming to church with us and get to know Jesus like we do." This melted my heart and made me tear up. I'm so proud of Mikayla I see God working through her almost everyday. God has a big plan for her we don't know what it is but I do know she's going to do some awesome things for God. She helps keep me on the right track when I need the help. I'm truly blessed to have such an amazing Husband and children. I can't thank God enough for putting these people in my life to have and to hold everyday of my life.


Moms Gone Godly said...

WOW Amber, I am so proud of MiKayla. She really is a Godly little girl and such a huge blessing in Hanna's life. You're right, God is going to do great things through her.

Lisa said...

that is so precious, these stories you should print and keep for your children, it will be a blessing to them someday as it is to you now....