Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God stomped Satan today

So today we headed off to Tulsa so that Brann and see the workers comp Dr. Of course we get lost (due to his directions lol) so we call the Dr's office and find out that we are next door to the office. So no big deal except when the lady asked Brann "Didn't your attorney call you this weekend or this morning?" "Um no why?" Brann replied well the lady proceeded to tell brann why " Late Friday night Dr. Martin went into the hospital himself so we called your attorney to cancelled your apt. I'm sorry sir but since your here we can go ahead and do your paper work and reschedule your apt." so Brann was mad but I told him "that's OK we needed a road trip and hey while we're here lets go to the Bass pro shop and see if there's anything else we can do while we're here" So Brann was kinda upset and all knowing we're living off very little income and we just used a half a tank of gas to get there and back. He walks out of the Dr's office with a smile and said "well looks like we'll be back next week and how many Dr offices do you know that hands out money for you wasting time and gas for a cancelled apt" I was like "what are you talking about" Then he had to go and tell me "She said since we came so far that they had to make sure you had gas to get back home and did my paper work so it wouldn't be a wasted trip." Now she only gave him $40 but that was $40 more than what we had when we went. God stomped out Satan's little plan to ruin our trip and attitudes but we prevailed with Gods help and made the best of it. It was the most unproductive trip we have ever taken but it was the funnest. The kids were great the whole time and never even asked the famous "ARE WE THERE YET?" GOD is truly good to my family and I'm eternally grateful. I love that he never cease to amaze me. Each day with God is a new amazement


Moms Gone Godly said...

Amber you always see the good in every situation. That is such a godly example over my life. You are awesome!

What a $40 blessing. Even though your family is going through a difficult road right now, you can see how God is using it to make your family stronger.

Unknown said...

We are both learning God is our source.Thanks for sharing your experience. It builds my faith.