Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Philippians 4:19: "But my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

yeah my poor baby is taller than the boys but then again so is Hanna so Kayla don't really care!!!

I was talking with Christina tonight at Church and we got to talking about a friend of ours that is so negative about everything so we have decided that we will pray for her. Our friend is truly a great person but she can never see the positive in anything. Anyways that led me on a another topic our friend called while I was out shopping and I told Christina I missed her call and right now I have some many different things going on that I could be so negative about that I really didn't need that negative attitude around right now. Which in turn left me telling Christina about all that God has done for me lately. Back in May Mikayla asked to play FOOTBALL yeah my little girl playing football. So we signed her up and paid the dues everything was great. Well as I told you before my husband has lost his job and we are now living off his unemployment, which isn't a lot but seems to ALWAYS be enough. I got an email from my friend Robin she asked "where were you? You had missed the meeting for football and they handed out all the pads they had to kids that couldn't go out and buy them." I looked at Brann and said "well call your dad and see if he can help till your next check comes in. " We never called his dad and forgot about it. Oh well we'll get it some how. We went to practice last night and poor Mikayla was out there practicing and when they told the kids to go get there helmets on and line up Kayla came over to me and asked "mom what do I do I don't have one yet?' I told her to go get in line and she will have one at the next practice. So Brann was talking to the Head coach and an old class mate walked up with a helmet in hand and asked the coach if he knew of anyone who needed one. The coach then said I think they all have one. Then she looked at Brann and said does Kayla have one yet. Of course Brann told her not yet we plan on getting her one before the next practice. She handed the helmet to him and said here Skylar out grew it she can have it. That was a $65 blessing from God. As the night went on they ended up finding leg pads and practice pants and Jersey for her and by the end of the night she had almost everything she needed. She tried on a size medium shoulder pads that were too big and the director on the league walked up and said that by next practice the league will have some shoulder pads that they will buy just for her they want her to have some extra padding in them due to her being a girl. So all in all us being faithful to the Lord he met our needs in every way that we could have imagined yeah he waiting till the last split second but I guess as Christina put it he waits till the very last second just so that we can fully put all our trust in him and him only. I'm so grateful to a loving father and he always meets my need it's not in my time but in his time. I am truly blessed in everything in my life.


Anonymous said...

what happened to the other one?

Unknown said...

Awesome! He truly does supply ALL our needs. Even the ones we forget to ask for.

Oliver said...

I so feel you when it comes to negative people- i try so hard to not be that it really bothers me. I have a friend-like a BEST friend that every time I call her its my life is soooo hard- blah blah blah-seroulsy really how hard cause your talking to the wrong person!!!! But i wish i had the words and wisdom Christina did to deal with it better! Im workin on it though!
Ps i think its AWESOME your letting your little Girl Play Football-how cool is she!!

The Hamby's said...

I would love to meet you too! You have a great church! My husband and I had visited Cedarville A/G about a year ago. He's a licensed A/G minister. We'll have to get together with Christina sometime. That's an awesome story about the helmet...God can supply all our needs right down to the tiniest of things, and he's always right on time. We have a nick name for Him in our house, He's Jehovah - Nick of time!

Anonymous said...

Praying for your friend is the best thing to do, I to have been surround with negative people from time to time. It is very common for someone negative to want to be friends with or simply be around those that positive. This is only because they see what you are and how you handle things in your life and your outlook in life and they just want to have that in their lives and so they try and surround themselves with those people whom are positive and try to figure out how to be like them, I know this because I at one point in my life was the same way. The best thing to do is keep showing her positive and eventually with God's help the negativity in her life will change.

P.S. Thanks for the invite to eat lunch Wednesday, I really enjoyed it.