Sunday, July 20, 2008

Computer Break

OK ladies I just want to say that Brannon and I are going to take a break from the computer for about one week!!!! It is going to be so darn hard but I'm going to be putting the time into my marriage and family. I'm going to miss reading every ones blogs but I know I'm going to gain much more by doing this for my family. I'll be checking back with everyone maybe next Monday not tomorrow!!! OMG it will be 2 weeks cause after this week Kayla and I are heading off to church camp till the 1st of august. So talk at you ladies then.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Yippy they are over. The Strykers wasn't on their game this weekend. They fielded very well but we couldn't get our sticks going at all. Finally the last game the girls started batting better than they did they night before. Anyways they played great but all in all we didn't place but we did as best as we could. Kayla was so excited about the scriptures I wrote out for her to put in her goody bag. As we were leaving Coach Richard come over to me to let me know that our sister team said the bags we made were awesome they we're the best they have ever received. And the girls really loved the flip flops they were the biggest hit of the weekend. I'm so glad that Kayla got to witness to a girl and she gave her our address so that they can keep in contact with each other. I guess that's all I can say about nationals.

I need a break

I feel as if I'm at my wits end with my kids and Husband. Mommy needs a break every once in a while. Every thing I do is for my kids or husband and I get wore out and need a break. I'm sure every mother feels this way from time to time. I want to spend some time by myself just to sit and think or even read a book but we all know how hard it is to do that with kiddos running around. I also would love to spend time with my hubby by ourselves but I tend to be really careful on who my kids stay with. I tend to think if I can't take my kids then I don't need to be there. I guess me thinking this way has hindered mine and Brann's relationship. We have drifted apart so much it's not even funny. I pray that we can let everything go and have the relationship we used to have or even just try to get it back. I hate that every time I give this situation to God Satan is always around the corner waiting for God to open a door and let us see light then Satan comes and slams it in our face and says ha ha ha I want you to be miserable.
I believe God will take care of this situation and keep my family happy, but I know that the more I seek God the more Satan wants me to fail and lose my faith. Brann lost his job recently and him being home so much is making it harder for us to work through things. Only because he is right there doing all the little things I hate or complaining because of the things I should have already done. How come marriage has to be so hard to work at? I know things aren't just handed to us but this marriage is so darn hard to work on with only one person trying to work at it. I really think he don't think theirs nothing wrong only cause he ignores everything. I just want to ask all you girl friends out there to keep my marriage in your prayers. I feel as if I'm fighting a losing battle.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here are some pics I thought I would Share. I love taking pics, which I'm sure most mothers love taking pics of their own children. Here are some of my favorites.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cedarville AOG worship team

Ok girls I just found out my church worship team has their own blog. I was like wow when did this one start? But anyways they have pics of the 4th of July bash our church put on. When you have time go and check it out. The last pic is a pic of mikayla climbing a rock wall. She's in orange and blue.

A few things we did

Here are a few things we have done for Mikayla's ball team this summer. Mikayla is my crafty kid and loves to make things for other people. Last night we did the tie dye shirts so this morning I wrote each girls nick names on the top and then listed the whole ball team on the bottom. It was time consuming. Then last week we made these flip flops for our sister team at Nationals. Then these hair ribbons we just made for the fun of it we also made then with their names on another one but we can't seem to find Kayla's other one right now.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Crafty Critters

I love doing crafts with my children. This past school year I went as far as doing them with Mikayla's whole class every Friday for an hour and half it gave the teacher some down time and the kids and I loved it. But now with it being summer my kids and I find ourselves getting bored so we have been picking up little ideas here and there. As I mentioned we have nationals coming up this weekend so I decided to go and buy some flip flops and some softball ribbon so we could make some super cute flip flops for our sister team. We had also used the same ribbon along with some navy blue to make some hair ribbons. At the moment we are trying to tie dye some shirts for the whole team. I've tie dyed before but this time we are doing a different style so pray it comes out great. I'll have to post some pics of the flip flops, hair ribbons and shirts when we're done. I love doing these things with my children I guess it is how I bond with them and they are artistic so I guess I also try and bring this out in them. Just try and do one simple craft with your kids and see how much fun it will be. It don't have to be organized, planned, or even time consuming. Let it have no rules so they can show you how creative they are.

Help me please!!!!!!!

Ok I blogged about this a couple weeks agao but now I have put things off for a while. Which now I need some help from all of you guys please. Kayla has softball nationals coming up this weekend. My oh so God loving child wanted to make up some index cards with bible verses on them to put in the goody bags we have to make for nationals. So that she can tell the team about Jesus. Kayla amazes me everyday on how she is growing in the lord and everything she does for everyone she has an amazing heart for people. Our childrens pastor has told us there is a great big purpose for Kayla she don't know what it is but she can see God forming her each and every time she sees her. Well any ways Nationals is this weekend and I haven't looked up any verses and I need them ASAP. I'm looking for things that talk about team work or you were made for a purpose or anything that can work for a bunch of 8 yr olds I would greatly appreciate it if you guys can help me out.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

12 inches made a huge diffrence

My hubby, Brannon went to Iraq back in June of 2005. Before he left I had promised to not cut my hair the whole time he was gone. I kept up with my end of the deal!!! Ever since then I have just trimmed and layered my hair cause I knew how much he loved it being so long. So this past Friday we went to get out hair cut well my trim and layer. While he was getting his hair cut he was also looking at a magazine. I went to see how things were coming with his hair and he shocked me by showing me two hair cuts that HE LIKED and wouldn't mind if I cut it. My jaw hit the floor and I said "are you sure your OK with going that short?" He finally got done then it was my turn the whole time I was thinking is this for real he's letting me go short again. I'm thanking the Lord for helping us realize that we have forgotten how to give and take. I gave in to the long hair for so long I hated it but kept it just cause I knew he loved it. Which led him to forget how much I loved shorter hair. The past week has been amazing we have been so attentive to each other and putting each other first. I'm loving the new found relationship we have. When all things were said and done he liked the cut but had to get used to it. Now just the way he will look at me makes me feel so much better about myself. I guess cause having 3 kids to get ready it's had to have time for myself so I tend to throw my hair up and go. Now I have set a record time for me I woke up at 8:55 this morning was able to take a shower, blow dry my hair and fix it and also put on make-up for church. But the kicker was we were at Church this morning by 9:41 we made it in time for Sunday school. I'm so grateful to my hubby for my new hair cut. It makes me feel so much better it even makes me want to get dressy and put make up on everyday since. Thank you Brannon for understanding why I love short hair.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friends questionaire from Jodie's blog

2008 QUESTIONNAIRE Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Change all the answers so they apply to you, and then send this to your friends including the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
1. What time did you get up this morning? 9:00
2. Diamonds or pearls? DIAMONDS
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Nim's Island
4. What is your favorite TV show? I would have to say Army wives
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Hum when I have breakfast raisin brand
6. What is your middle name? Lee
7. What food do you dislike? Fish
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?The cd's Christina copied for me
9. What kind of car do you drive? Ford Expedition
10. Favorite sandwich? Turkey or Cajun turkey
11. What characteristic do you despise? Narrow Minded would have to agree w/Jodie
12. Favorite item of clothing? Jeans
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Oh Jeez...Australia again would have to agree
14. Are you an organized person? Not by any means but I try
15. Where would you retire to? I'd still be in Arkansas cause Hubby don't want to move anywhere
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? My 18th birthday brann proposed to me 17. What are you going to do when you finish this?go to the creek and fish
18. Furthest place you are sending this? Blog Land I agree again
19. Person you expect to send it back first? Doesn't really apply!
20. When is your birthday? November 12
21. Morning person or a night person? most definitely night
22. What is your shoe size? 6
23. Pets? too many we have 4 dogs
24. Any new and exciting news You'd like to share with us? I cut 12 inches off my hair yay
25. What did you want to be when you were little? A Dr.
26. How are you today? Better and better everyday I seek God
27. What is your favorite flower? hum don't know
28. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?July 28th Church camp here we come
28. What are you listening to right now? Food network on the TV
30. What was the last thing you ate? pop tart
31. Do you wish on stars?Sure don't
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow the brightest color in the box lol
33. How is the weather right now? Hot
34. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Christina
35. Favorite soft drink? Dr. Pepper
36. Favorite restaurant? Doe's eat place
37. Hair color? dark brown
38. What was your favorite toy as a child?care bears
39. Summer or Winter? winter you can always put more clothes on than you can take off
41. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
42. Coffee or tea? Tea
43. Do you want your friends to email you back? blog it
44. When was the last time you cried? Tuesday!
45. What is under your bed?Hum scary I don't know
46. What did you do last night? went to natural dam and went fishing
47. What are you afraid of? Something happening to my kids
48. Salty or sweet? Oh there is no way to decide both together is always good!
49. How many keys on your key ring?3
50. How many years at your current job? Mommy going on 9 years OMG
51. Favorite day of the week? Saturday daddy's home to help except Guard drill weekends
52. Do you make friends easily? Pretty easy!!
53. How many people will you send this too? Who Knows?
54. How many will respond? not sure
55. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? yes

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kids do the darnedest things

One of Branns friends had been with us at practice and all he did was complain about how hot it was. Well on the way home he was still complaining and Kayla had to tell him about Philippians 2:14 and she said that you shouldn't complain at all. I was sitting in my seat thinking oh my gosh she's fixing to get an earful from him. Anyways he just sat there corrected by an 8 yr old........LOL After Brann's friend didn't have any words to say Brann thought it would be cute to see if Kayla had known the next verse. She looked at him and said "I don't know dad" but of course thanks to Randi I knew it and could tell him what it was and told Kayla in the same process that will be the next thing she learned. We never know what our kids are going to say or do so it is important to let them hear good things so they repeat good things. You might think they are not listening when you have told them the same thing over and over and over again. But remember parents they are listening and they will repeat what they hear. I'm making sure I do my best that my kids hear only things I would be proud of them repeating to another person.

Oh so cute

This evening on our way home from softball pictures we were jamming out to some christian music (thanks Christina) all having a blast. Chasyn our little cute boy was back in his car seat with his hands in the air waving them and singing (more like yelling nothing). It was so cute cause it looked as if he was prasing the Lord. He would also point to the sky then go back to waving his hand and singing. I'm so tickled to see him do this. Ever since he was in the womb he would always kick,hit and move only when we blared the christian music or when we were at church. He has always love that music. Now he dances and sings everytime he hears it. I just wanted to share my cute moment of the day with all of you guys.

Going from a family outing to Church

So we went on a family fishing trip yesterday the girls loved it. Daddy took the time to sit and fish with them. I walked around and snapped all kinds of pics so I will post some of my favorites. Anyways I was enjoying the time also then time came to leave Brann was enjoying it so much he went as far as asking me to skip out on church. You may not know but Treva and I have a class of 6th graders that we teach (well she mainly does) but I have also taken on the arts and crafts. Brann asked me to skip and he said "Treva will understand" I told him babe I know but you have to understand that I made a commitment to those girls and I need to be there. These girls need someone there to help guide then in the right direction. They just wanted to be loved since their family lives aren't the greatest my heart just breaks for them. I need to be there for them. I know I also need to be there for you too but today is my church night." I'm so glad I made the dission I made. Lately we have only had 1 of our girls show up but tonight we had 6 yeah 6 girls. Also Treva's niece was preaching to the youth so we took our girls to hear her preach and when alter call came it was for people to come and be prayed over that have fears in their lives that they want God to come and left those fears away. I was so proud of our missionettes we have almost all of them go to the alter and 4 of our 6th grade girls went. Treva, Tresa and I all went up to pray for our missionettes. God is so awesome and puts us where we need to be at any given time even if it might be a bad situation to us but God knows we need that experience to help some one he will put in our path in the future. All we have to do is give God all our struggles and worries and he will get us through. I hated that I couldn't stay and fish with my wonderful Husband but God needed me somewhere else to help pray for some girls that really needed it. My marriage might have been on the rocks but God prevailed in it and pushed me forward to where he needed me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thank you Randi

OK yesterday Mikayla had softball practice and we were running late so we forgot to stop and get her something to drink............. shame on me! Practice started late due to the Fields still being under lock and key so when they finally started practice Kayla kept running to the fence "Mom I'm thirsty I need something to drink" so I replied "hold on and daddy will go get you something". Not even two minutes later she was back at the fence "I'm thirsty mom" the only the problem we had with it was Brann was talking to one of the moms that works for an attorney about his wreck and workers comp. Which to get his medical bills paid this conversation will be a big help she told him somethings he needed to do. Anyways she kept coming to the fence complaining that daddy hadn't left yet which I had told her when he got done talking to Mrs. Kalli he would go. I was sitting there and thought of what Randi and wrote so I got up and walked to the fence and told her that complaining and whining was not acceptable so from now on we are going to repeat a bible verse. The first time i made her repeat after me

"Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing"

After the first time it was her turn to bat so I waited by the fence till she got all the way around back home and then had her do it 4 more times by the end of the 5th time she knew the whole thing. Brann finally got there with her drink after all that. After practice we went to walmart to get a few things and Brann picked up some m&m cookies and said these are all mine. Here we go again Kayla started complaining that daddy got cookies how come they can't have anything. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her and said Mikayla do you remember what we did at the ball Field? "Yes mom Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing" she then repeated it 4 more times with out being told to. WOW it worked only on the second time we did it without being asked to Thanks Randi

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cought me by surprise

I was working in the house cleaning and trying to do some things Brann would love to have done. I know that he is not on my best side right now but I keep reminding myself that is I keep living my life for God and Living as a Godly wife should then and only then our Lord will prevail and turn our struggles within our marriage around. So even though I'm not happy with Brann right now I'm still trying to do the things that I know I'm suppose to do. I'm not the greatest house keeper or great at keeping the laundry up but I try to do more everyday. Well today I tried calling Brann cause every time the phone rang Chasyn would cry Dada Dada Dada. So finally he answered and Chasyn went crazy to hear his daddy voice it's been 4 days. Well when he was done I talked to him and we kinda said a few things and got upset so I let him go. Well a couple hours later I hear someone at the back door saying HELLO HELLO. I stop what I'm doing and go check it out there was one of my good friends standing on my back porch with a rose with balloons and a little teddy bear. I looked at her and said "Farrah who are these from?" all she could say was "read the card" All I could think was OK it was bad enough for him to send flowers so what is he not telling me? I know I shouldn't have thought that but I did. I now sit and think about how bad he's feeling for letting me down and doing what he did. But when I read the card I got mixed emotions because I wanted it to be true but I still remember our fight and and wonder "IF" it was true he would have never done what he did. the card read "YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY!! I LOVE YOU!!!! BRANNON" . So I'm standing there with my friend thinking I'm tickled that he sent them to me but then upset thinking he did more that he has let on. Farrah was telling how he went about doing things cause he called her over the weekend knowing she worked at a flower shop and he ask if she could bring me some flowers no matter the cost. Well she told him that the flower shop was closed till Tuesday but she would try and go do it Monday. So today being Monday my friend brought me a rose and balloons from my hubby. I can't believe he went through the trouble to get me flowers on a weekend that no flower shop was open and even called my friend at home. So after she left I called Brann and told him thank you for the flowers and he went into how sorry he was and he knows he did wrong. I told him Brann this gives me mixed emotions cause I don't understand how you can tell me on paper I'm your one and only but lie and tell someone I'm your ex. I don't understand. He again apologized. I was crying by this time and said "Brann it's OK" but in my head I remember what I had learned over the weekend from Mr. Josh. Then I went in to saying "NO it's not OK what you did was wrong and it made me feel like crap, useless, worthless, and all kinds of other feelings it wasn't OK but Brann I do forgive you." I felt a whole load of pressure lift off me when I said that. I felt like a new person like I've changed some how. I love my husband and I pray that God give us the strength to keep our marriage going for us and the kids. I know this don't solve everything but it does show that he is trying. And that's all I ask of him is to try.

"I forgive you" says more than "that's ok"

My family went camping this weekend with some dear friends and enjoyed every minute of it. Spending the weekend with the Mooney's let me in on their little ways of doing things. Now that I look back I'm wondering if I was a little to hard on the kids making sure they all put up things after they were done with them and so on........ But the one thing that my children learned this weekend that has changed things in their lives is one little phrase. Richie had done something to Katie which his daddy wanted him to say sorry about (something small enough I would have ignored) but anyways he told Richie to tell Katie sorry which he did. Katie's replay was "That's OK" then that's when Mr. Josh corrected Katie and taught her something I had been over looking. He had said "Katie don't say It's OK cause then that's saying it's OK for him to do it again and again you need to say I forgive you Richie and he then knows he done wrong and don't need to do it again" That was the biggest eye opener I had never looked at it like that before. I thought I was doing good by teaching my kids to tell the other person It's OK but I was wrong and didn't even know it. I just want to say thank you to Mr. Josh my kids now say I forgive you and so do I.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What happens in Heaven

My Hubby's Grandmorther sent this to me and I don't know who wrote it but it is so true and thought I would share it with all of you!

I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, 'This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received.' I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world. Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section. The angel then said to me, 'This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them.' I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth. Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the door of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel was seated there, idly doing nothing. 'This is the Acknowledgment Section,' my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed 'How is it that there is no work going on here?' I asked. 'So sad,' the angel sighed. 'After people receive the blessings that they asked for, very few send back acknowledgments .' 'How does one acknowledge God's blessings?' I asked. 'Simple,' the angel answered. Just say, 'Thank you, Lord.' 'What blessings should they acknowledge?' I asked. 'If you have food in the ! refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy .' 'And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity.' Also . ' If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day .' 'If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... you are ahead of 700 million people in the world.' 'If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people in the world .' 'If your parents are still alive and still married are ver!y rare .' 'If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair.' Ok, what now? How can I start? If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you as very special and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all. Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you want, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.

ATTN: Acknowledge Dept.: 'Thank you Lord, for giving me the ability to share this message and for giving me so many wonderful people with whom to share it.'

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hubby hate to say it but this body is LONG GONE!!!!!!

This was my before being pregnant with chasyn body. This is what makes me think the way i do about myself and brann seems to think I have to be this way again. I know I shouldn't place these pics on here but I know there are only 2 people that will see these and I'll take them down in a day or 2 just had to. Show Brann that I was brave enough to put them on here.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Struggle after struggle

I'm trying to not be the person I have grown to be. I used to be more confident about myself. Now days I really don't think I'm worth looking at even for my husband. I used to love getting all dress up just cause but now it seems like there is too much stuff with more importance then me getting fixed up. I guess I'm throeing myself a pity party which I know I shouldn't. I want my husband to find me desirable but I know the way I look now I'm far from that. I tend to find him checking out other ladies and that makes me feel even worse about myself. I tend to think I'm not good enough for him which has always been a thought way back in my head since day one. He has always been very attractive, sexy, outgoing, and also a big flirt. I know I shouldn't let this make me feel the way I do but I feel like some times he wants more than I can give him or someone who might be better at everything than me. I just found out that his Dr. appt was more about me then him more like what I should be doing and what I'm not doing. The Dr. went as far as telling him it all has to do with me not wanting to fix myself up so then again it's all laid on me. I love having my kids but sometimes I just want some me time. I've not always been a sexual person (well yeah I was before the kids) I can Honestly go with out for a while. So then Brann tends to think I'm cheating which I never have or never plan on it. I'm just so disgusted with myself and what I have become it makes feel like why would he even want to make Love with me. I know I should feel different about myself but I don't. Brann does tell me I'm Hot but who wants to hear that when you have a screaming child on your hip and another one pulling on your leg saying momma momma momma. You really don't feel hot at the moment. So when he says this I'm thinking great I know what he wants tonight and I'm not up for it. He thinks that taking care of the kiddos is so darn easy but they tend to make you go crazy after to long. He goes to work and then gets to go home from work which in mothers cases they wake up to work and go to bed to work and fathers tend to not acknowledge that. I would love to have a great relationship with Brann but I'm almost to the point to where I'm tired of working at it and then him going and talking to other ladies and telling them he's not married. So what am I suppose to think about that. Is he looking for someone else or has he found someone else I don't know what the deal is but I'd rather get on with it now than later when it really affects the kids. I know till death do us part. But when one tells the other sex they are not married and your their ex what are you suppose to do ignore it and go on as if nothing happened. I'm sorry this really doesn't have anything to do with the reason we started these blogs. I just needed a place to really vent my feeling I'm sorry to leave these on you guys to read

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trying to do better

I'm trying each and every day to become a better wife and mother. I'm struggleing to do everything by scripture. So today I have found 2 books that I'm starting to read hoping to help me with living by scriptures in these 2 areas of my life. The frist book I'm starting to read is Moments for eachother. Like Christina Sundays sermon really hit home I put my children before my marriage. I only do this cause it is so easy to do things and work on a relationship with your children. It is kinda my exscape goat if you will. If they kids need me then poor ol Brann gets pushed on the back burner. I used to get all gussied up for him but since I got pregnant with Chasyn I don't think I have the time. I guess I'm just too ............LAZY yeah thats right I said it. Most of us have a reason but it really boils down to us being lazy when it comes to ourselves. We have gotten comfortable in where we are and we tend to think he's married to me so why should I try and more? I know my pastor says Love takes work and if you work at it you can fall in love with your spouse everyday. I would love for this to happen but I have to own up to my problems and fix them. If i want my Brann to live by scriptures then I have to live by example cause if neither of us do it then we won't encourage the other to do it. If I man up to my responsiblitys then why will he want to rebel against it. I have giving it to the Lord and he is working on me and letting me see where my faults are and where I need to work. "Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth" 1 John 3:18

The other book I have started reding is Purpose for every day living for mothers. You have to know Gods purpose for your life and then this book also talks about having a christ centered family and making time for God, children growing up and all kinds of neat things. I'm praying that I can learn to balance my marriage and my children better.

You get what you get and don't throw a fit!!!!!

My children have lived by this wonderful saying "You get what you get and don't throw a fit". I have used this saying to help them know they don't get everything they want in life. We're trying to raise them to not be SPOILED ROTTEN BRATS. I thought everything was going great until one Sunday evening my little princess hit a total stranger just because. I was horrified that she would even think to do this. I have raised my children to follow the Golden Rule. OK I talked to her and she would tell me she didn't know why she did it. I went about telling her how wrong it was and you don't hit someone unless you want them to hit you back. So everything is good she hasn't hit anyone. Tuesday I'm going down the road with a car full of people and I hear Katie scream as if she was severely hurt. I ask what happened, My husband was in the back seat and was figuring everything out. Come to find out she had leaned forward and hit her little friend Richie and he had turned around and hit her back. Wow i thought we got through this.......I guess not. So Brann spanked her for hitting. OK then not even a week later on Sunday we went to some Friends family's house for lunch after Church. Katie is doing great hasn't hit a single kid since Tuesday, mind you she did get in trouble a couple of times and was on the wall. We were getting ready to leave and we go through the house and this little boy had these Hulk fighting fist. Well Brann was watching something that someone was showing him and the little boy was hitting his uncle. Well the uncle told him to stop 3 times well he decided to turn and punch Katie and we all know what happened then. Katie was all dressed up in this pretty frilly pink dress with her jewelry on. This little bot hit Katie then she doubled up her fist and rared back then swung and popped the boy in the eye. All we heard was a scream so loud. I was terrified my first time meeting these people and my child has to hit one of them. I apologized about 20 times. The dad thought it was funny but it didn't comfort me I felt awful. Again Monday went great then Tuesday we're in the car and I hear "MOM Katie hit me in the face" So I turned and asked "why Katie why did you do that" . Of course she replied She would do what I wanted her to do. So now She knows whats she's doing is wrong and I now have a bully on my hands. I'm thinking OMG what can I do to help her through this. Clearly she has an anger problem and a self control problem so I got out my Bible for preschoolers. I also looked on the net to find something I could do but I guess I'm the only one in the world with this problem. You can't find anything to help this situation. Anyways my friend Christina helped me look and still nothing so I'm going back to the bible for preschoolers. Katie now has a prayer she is going to pray over herself which is
" Dear God, when I get mad please help me to be nice, or when someone hurts my feelings, I need to forgive them. And when I make a mistake thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for my friends. Help me always treat them just the way I want to be treated. And I want to be kind, showing your love to others every day. I also want to obey your word every day in everything I do. I'm so grateful I can talk to you. You always hear my prayers. Thank you for loving me so much. Amen."

I have now decided not to even think about spanking her for this cause I don't want her thinking it's OK for me to spank her but she's in trouble for hitting. So I have come up with an idea. I went to the dollar tree to buy her a special castle box. With in this special box I'm going to put some jewelry from the oh so wonderful $1 jewelry galore store. Then every time she gets mad enough to want to hit someone she has to come to me and talk it out, pray and go over a bible verse about anger in her preschool bible. If she does all this and feels better in turn doesn't hit the other person she can then get a new piece of jewelry from her box until she has learned to rely on God even if we don't get our own way every time. I'm also praying for her each and every day and searching for any way I can help her control her anger. Her first verse is:

"If you are angry , don't let it become sin. Get over your anger before the day is finished." Ephesians 4:26