Sunday, July 13, 2008

12 inches made a huge diffrence

My hubby, Brannon went to Iraq back in June of 2005. Before he left I had promised to not cut my hair the whole time he was gone. I kept up with my end of the deal!!! Ever since then I have just trimmed and layered my hair cause I knew how much he loved it being so long. So this past Friday we went to get out hair cut well my trim and layer. While he was getting his hair cut he was also looking at a magazine. I went to see how things were coming with his hair and he shocked me by showing me two hair cuts that HE LIKED and wouldn't mind if I cut it. My jaw hit the floor and I said "are you sure your OK with going that short?" He finally got done then it was my turn the whole time I was thinking is this for real he's letting me go short again. I'm thanking the Lord for helping us realize that we have forgotten how to give and take. I gave in to the long hair for so long I hated it but kept it just cause I knew he loved it. Which led him to forget how much I loved shorter hair. The past week has been amazing we have been so attentive to each other and putting each other first. I'm loving the new found relationship we have. When all things were said and done he liked the cut but had to get used to it. Now just the way he will look at me makes me feel so much better about myself. I guess cause having 3 kids to get ready it's had to have time for myself so I tend to throw my hair up and go. Now I have set a record time for me I woke up at 8:55 this morning was able to take a shower, blow dry my hair and fix it and also put on make-up for church. But the kicker was we were at Church this morning by 9:41 we made it in time for Sunday school. I'm so grateful to my hubby for my new hair cut. It makes me feel so much better it even makes me want to get dressy and put make up on everyday since. Thank you Brannon for understanding why I love short hair.


Moms Gone Godly said...

And you look beautiful too!

Moms Gone Godly said...
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Shelbi said...

I love it!

robbieniccum said...

dude, I cannot imagine how ling it was because , that is still LONG to me : ) Christina and I are queens of short hair : )
I say I am growing mine out....thatis hilarious! we'll see huh?