Thursday, July 10, 2008

Going from a family outing to Church

So we went on a family fishing trip yesterday the girls loved it. Daddy took the time to sit and fish with them. I walked around and snapped all kinds of pics so I will post some of my favorites. Anyways I was enjoying the time also then time came to leave Brann was enjoying it so much he went as far as asking me to skip out on church. You may not know but Treva and I have a class of 6th graders that we teach (well she mainly does) but I have also taken on the arts and crafts. Brann asked me to skip and he said "Treva will understand" I told him babe I know but you have to understand that I made a commitment to those girls and I need to be there. These girls need someone there to help guide then in the right direction. They just wanted to be loved since their family lives aren't the greatest my heart just breaks for them. I need to be there for them. I know I also need to be there for you too but today is my church night." I'm so glad I made the dission I made. Lately we have only had 1 of our girls show up but tonight we had 6 yeah 6 girls. Also Treva's niece was preaching to the youth so we took our girls to hear her preach and when alter call came it was for people to come and be prayed over that have fears in their lives that they want God to come and left those fears away. I was so proud of our missionettes we have almost all of them go to the alter and 4 of our 6th grade girls went. Treva, Tresa and I all went up to pray for our missionettes. God is so awesome and puts us where we need to be at any given time even if it might be a bad situation to us but God knows we need that experience to help some one he will put in our path in the future. All we have to do is give God all our struggles and worries and he will get us through. I hated that I couldn't stay and fish with my wonderful Husband but God needed me somewhere else to help pray for some girls that really needed it. My marriage might have been on the rocks but God prevailed in it and pushed me forward to where he needed me.


Moms Gone Godly said...

OH SO PRETTY IN PINK~I love the new look!! I am so glad that you are following 1 Peter 3:1-2 within you marriage. Putting God first in your actions speaks loud and clear. Its awesome to see that the 2 of you are making choices together that are helping day by day, that's totally God working due to your deep trust and obedience to Him!

I am going to email you a picture I took of Josh and the kids fishing last year at Devils Den. You will see why!

The pictue of Chasyn is adorable.