Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You get what you get and don't throw a fit!!!!!

My children have lived by this wonderful saying "You get what you get and don't throw a fit". I have used this saying to help them know they don't get everything they want in life. We're trying to raise them to not be SPOILED ROTTEN BRATS. I thought everything was going great until one Sunday evening my little princess hit a total stranger just because. I was horrified that she would even think to do this. I have raised my children to follow the Golden Rule. OK I talked to her and she would tell me she didn't know why she did it. I went about telling her how wrong it was and you don't hit someone unless you want them to hit you back. So everything is good she hasn't hit anyone. Tuesday I'm going down the road with a car full of people and I hear Katie scream as if she was severely hurt. I ask what happened, My husband was in the back seat and was figuring everything out. Come to find out she had leaned forward and hit her little friend Richie and he had turned around and hit her back. Wow i thought we got through this.......I guess not. So Brann spanked her for hitting. OK then not even a week later on Sunday we went to some Friends family's house for lunch after Church. Katie is doing great hasn't hit a single kid since Tuesday, mind you she did get in trouble a couple of times and was on the wall. We were getting ready to leave and we go through the house and this little boy had these Hulk fighting fist. Well Brann was watching something that someone was showing him and the little boy was hitting his uncle. Well the uncle told him to stop 3 times well he decided to turn and punch Katie and we all know what happened then. Katie was all dressed up in this pretty frilly pink dress with her jewelry on. This little bot hit Katie then she doubled up her fist and rared back then swung and popped the boy in the eye. All we heard was a scream so loud. I was terrified my first time meeting these people and my child has to hit one of them. I apologized about 20 times. The dad thought it was funny but it didn't comfort me I felt awful. Again Monday went great then Tuesday we're in the car and I hear "MOM Katie hit me in the face" So I turned and asked "why Katie why did you do that" . Of course she replied She would do what I wanted her to do. So now She knows whats she's doing is wrong and I now have a bully on my hands. I'm thinking OMG what can I do to help her through this. Clearly she has an anger problem and a self control problem so I got out my Bible for preschoolers. I also looked on the net to find something I could do but I guess I'm the only one in the world with this problem. You can't find anything to help this situation. Anyways my friend Christina helped me look and still nothing so I'm going back to the bible for preschoolers. Katie now has a prayer she is going to pray over herself which is
" Dear God, when I get mad please help me to be nice, or when someone hurts my feelings, I need to forgive them. And when I make a mistake thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for my friends. Help me always treat them just the way I want to be treated. And I want to be kind, showing your love to others every day. I also want to obey your word every day in everything I do. I'm so grateful I can talk to you. You always hear my prayers. Thank you for loving me so much. Amen."

I have now decided not to even think about spanking her for this cause I don't want her thinking it's OK for me to spank her but she's in trouble for hitting. So I have come up with an idea. I went to the dollar tree to buy her a special castle box. With in this special box I'm going to put some jewelry from the oh so wonderful $1 jewelry galore store. Then every time she gets mad enough to want to hit someone she has to come to me and talk it out, pray and go over a bible verse about anger in her preschool bible. If she does all this and feels better in turn doesn't hit the other person she can then get a new piece of jewelry from her box until she has learned to rely on God even if we don't get our own way every time. I'm also praying for her each and every day and searching for any way I can help her control her anger. Her first verse is:

"If you are angry , don't let it become sin. Get over your anger before the day is finished." Ephesians 4:26


Moms Gone Godly said...

AMBER, THIS IS TOTALLY COOL! I love that idea. That fits her personality so perfect too. She is learning to be God's special jewel at all times. How cool is that. I think you are doing a super duper job at fighting this. You are teaching and training and being a Godly parent! Did I mention that idea totally rocks:) COOL BEANS!!!!!!! (I wonder if I can do something like that for Richie's whining???)