Monday, July 7, 2008

Cought me by surprise

I was working in the house cleaning and trying to do some things Brann would love to have done. I know that he is not on my best side right now but I keep reminding myself that is I keep living my life for God and Living as a Godly wife should then and only then our Lord will prevail and turn our struggles within our marriage around. So even though I'm not happy with Brann right now I'm still trying to do the things that I know I'm suppose to do. I'm not the greatest house keeper or great at keeping the laundry up but I try to do more everyday. Well today I tried calling Brann cause every time the phone rang Chasyn would cry Dada Dada Dada. So finally he answered and Chasyn went crazy to hear his daddy voice it's been 4 days. Well when he was done I talked to him and we kinda said a few things and got upset so I let him go. Well a couple hours later I hear someone at the back door saying HELLO HELLO. I stop what I'm doing and go check it out there was one of my good friends standing on my back porch with a rose with balloons and a little teddy bear. I looked at her and said "Farrah who are these from?" all she could say was "read the card" All I could think was OK it was bad enough for him to send flowers so what is he not telling me? I know I shouldn't have thought that but I did. I now sit and think about how bad he's feeling for letting me down and doing what he did. But when I read the card I got mixed emotions because I wanted it to be true but I still remember our fight and and wonder "IF" it was true he would have never done what he did. the card read "YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY!! I LOVE YOU!!!! BRANNON" . So I'm standing there with my friend thinking I'm tickled that he sent them to me but then upset thinking he did more that he has let on. Farrah was telling how he went about doing things cause he called her over the weekend knowing she worked at a flower shop and he ask if she could bring me some flowers no matter the cost. Well she told him that the flower shop was closed till Tuesday but she would try and go do it Monday. So today being Monday my friend brought me a rose and balloons from my hubby. I can't believe he went through the trouble to get me flowers on a weekend that no flower shop was open and even called my friend at home. So after she left I called Brann and told him thank you for the flowers and he went into how sorry he was and he knows he did wrong. I told him Brann this gives me mixed emotions cause I don't understand how you can tell me on paper I'm your one and only but lie and tell someone I'm your ex. I don't understand. He again apologized. I was crying by this time and said "Brann it's OK" but in my head I remember what I had learned over the weekend from Mr. Josh. Then I went in to saying "NO it's not OK what you did was wrong and it made me feel like crap, useless, worthless, and all kinds of other feelings it wasn't OK but Brann I do forgive you." I felt a whole load of pressure lift off me when I said that. I felt like a new person like I've changed some how. I love my husband and I pray that God give us the strength to keep our marriage going for us and the kids. I know this don't solve everything but it does show that he is trying. And that's all I ask of him is to try.


Moms Gone Godly said...

I pray so deeply for your marriage and for Brannon. You have a very forgiving heart Amber. I don't think I would have your strength in a situation as yours. I pray that the Lord will open Brannon's eyes to see what a beautiful wife he is married to.

Shelbi said...

My thoughts exactly.......I love you.