Monday, July 7, 2008

"I forgive you" says more than "that's ok"

My family went camping this weekend with some dear friends and enjoyed every minute of it. Spending the weekend with the Mooney's let me in on their little ways of doing things. Now that I look back I'm wondering if I was a little to hard on the kids making sure they all put up things after they were done with them and so on........ But the one thing that my children learned this weekend that has changed things in their lives is one little phrase. Richie had done something to Katie which his daddy wanted him to say sorry about (something small enough I would have ignored) but anyways he told Richie to tell Katie sorry which he did. Katie's replay was "That's OK" then that's when Mr. Josh corrected Katie and taught her something I had been over looking. He had said "Katie don't say It's OK cause then that's saying it's OK for him to do it again and again you need to say I forgive you Richie and he then knows he done wrong and don't need to do it again" That was the biggest eye opener I had never looked at it like that before. I thought I was doing good by teaching my kids to tell the other person It's OK but I was wrong and didn't even know it. I just want to say thank you to Mr. Josh my kids now say I forgive you and so do I.


Moms Gone Godly said...

I think that you are a wonderful mother Amber! Your heart is seeking God in every area of your life. We all have struggles in our marriage and we all feel insecure about something and we all doubt our parenting at times. What keeps us together though is not only God himself and his word, but holding each other accountable and lifting each other up, mom to mom.