Saturday, July 19, 2008

I need a break

I feel as if I'm at my wits end with my kids and Husband. Mommy needs a break every once in a while. Every thing I do is for my kids or husband and I get wore out and need a break. I'm sure every mother feels this way from time to time. I want to spend some time by myself just to sit and think or even read a book but we all know how hard it is to do that with kiddos running around. I also would love to spend time with my hubby by ourselves but I tend to be really careful on who my kids stay with. I tend to think if I can't take my kids then I don't need to be there. I guess me thinking this way has hindered mine and Brann's relationship. We have drifted apart so much it's not even funny. I pray that we can let everything go and have the relationship we used to have or even just try to get it back. I hate that every time I give this situation to God Satan is always around the corner waiting for God to open a door and let us see light then Satan comes and slams it in our face and says ha ha ha I want you to be miserable.
I believe God will take care of this situation and keep my family happy, but I know that the more I seek God the more Satan wants me to fail and lose my faith. Brann lost his job recently and him being home so much is making it harder for us to work through things. Only because he is right there doing all the little things I hate or complaining because of the things I should have already done. How come marriage has to be so hard to work at? I know things aren't just handed to us but this marriage is so darn hard to work on with only one person trying to work at it. I really think he don't think theirs nothing wrong only cause he ignores everything. I just want to ask all you girl friends out there to keep my marriage in your prayers. I feel as if I'm fighting a losing battle.


Moms Gone Godly said...

Amber, I think that it is very important that couples spend time together without their children. You both need to start making date nights OFTEN! Even if its just hanging out at your house together (alone) because money is tight. Please take me up on the offer to bring your kids over as often as you and Brannon want some alone time. The kids will have fun together, they always do:)

I understand that it gets frustrating at times, any wife would be lying if they said it didn't. Keep spending time in the word doing what the Lord ask you to do. Your actions and behavior will win over your husband and ONLY God can change Brannon.

It is also important that we have time to ourselves. Mom does not always get it. Pray that God will provide it for you. Prayer is the only answer when we are at our wits end! Remember, sometimes thing get really bad before they get really good, but the main thing is to keep all your heart, mind, and soul on the Lord above:)

Lisa said...

hi there, friend of Robbies here, I am glad to read your message here, I feel the same way from time to time, you add to my feeling normal, amazing how life takes hold and we get lost in where we were going due to taking care of everyone else, I find when everyone goes to bed I stay up a bit longer for computer, reading or a movie. It helps
I will pray for you and know that we all have these moments and we only see the negative side of it, find the positive, seek positive and reassuring thoughs, see your self and everything around you changes and going in the direction you seek, Life will then follow you, even your husband. I use to walk in and could swear I smelled negative. I am trying my best to turn it around, had to once tell my husband, you can travel this road but you will have to do it alone, I want this road, the one toward the light, the one I can breath on, the one that is going forward, you should do this with me, it took a bit, he came out of his rocky road though and we started to walk together, thinking positive and seeing where we will be and getting there, and stop thinking of all the negative now, now is just that its now, not forever. we are all here with you and moving forward with you.....

robbieniccum said...

Hey Amber, I am hearing you LOUD AND CLEAR!!!! TAKE CHRISTINA UP ON HER OFFER!!! I am so tired lately I can't even stay awake to read others blogs or blog myself and that is the only "me time" I get....seriously, you couldn't leave the kids anywhere more safe...I so pray for your marriage, the Battle is the Lord's and He already has the victory!!! You GO ON AND CELEBRATE!!!! WHOOO HOO! ( we won't ask for details!)