Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trying to do better

I'm trying each and every day to become a better wife and mother. I'm struggleing to do everything by scripture. So today I have found 2 books that I'm starting to read hoping to help me with living by scriptures in these 2 areas of my life. The frist book I'm starting to read is Moments for eachother. Like Christina Sundays sermon really hit home I put my children before my marriage. I only do this cause it is so easy to do things and work on a relationship with your children. It is kinda my exscape goat if you will. If they kids need me then poor ol Brann gets pushed on the back burner. I used to get all gussied up for him but since I got pregnant with Chasyn I don't think I have the time. I guess I'm just too ............LAZY yeah thats right I said it. Most of us have a reason but it really boils down to us being lazy when it comes to ourselves. We have gotten comfortable in where we are and we tend to think he's married to me so why should I try and more? I know my pastor says Love takes work and if you work at it you can fall in love with your spouse everyday. I would love for this to happen but I have to own up to my problems and fix them. If i want my Brann to live by scriptures then I have to live by example cause if neither of us do it then we won't encourage the other to do it. If I man up to my responsiblitys then why will he want to rebel against it. I have giving it to the Lord and he is working on me and letting me see where my faults are and where I need to work. "Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth" 1 John 3:18

The other book I have started reding is Purpose for every day living for mothers. You have to know Gods purpose for your life and then this book also talks about having a christ centered family and making time for God, children growing up and all kinds of neat things. I'm praying that I can learn to balance my marriage and my children better.


Moms Gone Godly said...

Girl, that scripture is going on my bathroom mirror!! I need to see that as SOON as I wake up:) Those books sound awesome!! I may have to pick up some copies. Amber, your heart is so pure. God is really working in your life and it is showing. He is going to honor your obedience:)