Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thank you Randi

OK yesterday Mikayla had softball practice and we were running late so we forgot to stop and get her something to drink............. shame on me! Practice started late due to the Fields still being under lock and key so when they finally started practice Kayla kept running to the fence "Mom I'm thirsty I need something to drink" so I replied "hold on and daddy will go get you something". Not even two minutes later she was back at the fence "I'm thirsty mom" the only the problem we had with it was Brann was talking to one of the moms that works for an attorney about his wreck and workers comp. Which to get his medical bills paid this conversation will be a big help she told him somethings he needed to do. Anyways she kept coming to the fence complaining that daddy hadn't left yet which I had told her when he got done talking to Mrs. Kalli he would go. I was sitting there and thought of what Randi and wrote so I got up and walked to the fence and told her that complaining and whining was not acceptable so from now on we are going to repeat a bible verse. The first time i made her repeat after me

"Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing"

After the first time it was her turn to bat so I waited by the fence till she got all the way around back home and then had her do it 4 more times by the end of the 5th time she knew the whole thing. Brann finally got there with her drink after all that. After practice we went to walmart to get a few things and Brann picked up some m&m cookies and said these are all mine. Here we go again Kayla started complaining that daddy got cookies how come they can't have anything. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her and said Mikayla do you remember what we did at the ball Field? "Yes mom Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing" she then repeated it 4 more times with out being told to. WOW it worked only on the second time we did it without being asked to Thanks Randi


Randi said...

You're welcome! I'm glad it's working for you b/c today Braxton whined about the verse while he's saying "Do everything without complaining or arguing or whining!" AHHHH!!!!